Example sentences of "[prep] [art] first [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their hard-nosed ‘ method ’ rugby and its ultimate reward when they blitzed the Springboks for the first two-thirds of the test at Ellis Park to build an unassailable 20–3 lead .
2 Sodomy and birth control for the first two-thirds of the century were ‘ non nominandum inter christianos ’ , or ‘ crimes against nature ’ , too horrible to be named .
3 For the first 11 of those paddling years he never heard of the BCU and it was only through his activities with the Air Training Corps and their involvement with the Devizes to Westminster Race that he got drawn into the position of race Publicity Officer which he has held since the late 70s .
4 He planted Fleming over the square-leg boundary for the first six of the day , and hit two fours in his brisk 25 .
5 Debussy takes over for the first two of five of the Eight Piano Pieces Op. 15 , of Dirk Schäfer ( 1873–1931 ) — surprisingly , in view of the derisory remarks Schäfer made about Debussy quoted in the notes .
6 By the same token try to avoid bright natural light for the first two to three days after the flight at times corresponding to 5 to 11 o'clock in the morning on old time as this will tend to advance your body clock .
7 It was generally felt he would have won at St Andrews after his 29 for the first nine in the first round if he had n't had part of the round washed out and had to continue the next day .
8 South African all-rounder David Callaghan , 27 , who missed most of last season fighting cancer , has been included in the squad for the first four of the seven one-day internationals against India .
9 Then there is the maddening fact that , of the five great investigative Ws ( who ? what ? where ? when ? and why ? ) , we can still only account for the first four in the matter of the Watergate break-in .
10 The best cleavage is found at the central GpC ; all the ApT sites are cut at about 25% of this rate , except for the first ApT on the 5'-side which shows no detectable cleavage .
11 He found underpricing for the first third of his data period , and overpricing for the remainder .
12 Rainey , seeking his fourth straight world title , slid off the Santamonica circuit after leading for the first third of a race run in dry , sunny conditions .
13 If anything it is the managers in family health services authorities and the NHS who have failed to anticipate and plan for the first three of these contingencies that has caused the current workload crisis .
14 Those ‘ events ’ of primitive evolution which did not qualify as ‘ good ’ should not be termed ‘ bad ’ , but simply ‘ not good ’ , because ‘ bad ’ implies the existence of ‘ evil ’ , and this did not exist during the first two of the three periods into which this book assumes universal existence to be divided .
15 Failure to get up into the full climb is the usual cause of serious overspeeding during the first third of the launch .
16 Mr MacGregor will be told that during the first 12 of the 13 four-week periods of the 1992-93 financial year — which ends in a fortnight — fare income was up 9 per cent on the equivalent periods a year earlier .
17 The dealer has also become something of a legend for his expertise in detecting the growing number of Basquiat fakes , an issue that is bound to attract further attention as the first retrospective of Basquiat 's entire career opens at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York this autumn .
18 A question worth asking is whether it will be easier to teach competent makers in the first three categories , in which engineers are well represented , enough about the work of the fourth to understand how a company works , or to teach the fourth about the first three to the same standard .
19 Re-exporting of tropical and semi-tropical products had boomed in the later seventeenth century and although expansion was less rapid thereafter , it held firm through the first three-quarters of the eighteenth century .
20 Brakeman for Great Britain Two , Edd helped the team to a better than expected thirteenth place after the first two of the four runs .
21 From 16 April 1995 the number 1 will be inserted after the first 0 in UK area codes .
22 For those prisoners who co-operate , the regime is semi-open after the first third of their sentence .
23 The government has announced the opening of the first tender for exploration on its continental shelf .
24 Of the first four in the race , three had been born in Jamaica , an amazing achievement for this tiny Caribbean island .
25 The election was also notable for the return of the first Communist to be elected since Shapurji Saklatvala lost Battersea North in 1929 .
26 Effective first of the first first of the first ninety five .
27 In the case of the first two of the above punishment strategies , Nash reversion and minimax , the acceptance of punishment by the deviant is not an issue .
28 The appeal , supported by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh , Norman Irons , aims to complete by 1994 the construction of the first two of four floors within the church to provide a day centre and restaurant for local pensioners and dementia sufferers .
29 The two other chairs are placed on the other side of this table , still farther to the right , so that they do not block the view of the first two through the balustrade of the veranda .
30 For an established and successful brand , the objectives might well be , to a large extent , ‘ maintenance ’ objectives : to keep a high level of awareness of the brand , ideally as one of the first two in its field spontaneously named by respondents to a regular survey ( something often described in the US as ‘ share of mind ’ ) ; to maintain a high level of belief in the brand 's superiority over its main competitor on certain key attributes of the product type ; to encourage people to offer the product to their visitors .
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