Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] be an " in BNC.

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1 Among the key general tasks for the 1990s were an acceleration of production , the perfection of new mechanisms of economic management , control of pressing social problems , including those arising from war and poverty , and the firm defence of the fatherland .
2 That a topic of discourse is such that on different occasions it can be referred to as the same is an analytic proposition setting out part of what " topic of discourse " means .
3 Doing the advanced course directly after the basic was an excellent idea .
4 Each of the four was an experienced police frogman , and each of them knew exactly what he was looking for — knew indeed the exact dimensions of the object and the positioning of the three great ruby eyes once set into it .
5 The plight of the injured was an unenviable one ; several of them could not be moved .
6 The relative presence or absence of the latter is an important factor in distinguishing between different categories of small town .
7 The defence of the first is an assertion of the second .
8 An example of the former is an orientation towards death denial .
9 His friend Lauder once attended such a service and was moved to comment that this assembling of the deaf was an affecting spectacle :
10 Japan was a country which had achieved ‘ modernization ’ , which could offer a model to other industrializing nations ; the militarism and aggression of the 1930s was an aberration , explicable largely in political terms , the ability of a small group to turn back the liberal trends of the twenties .
11 FIRST-TIME travellers to America should be aware that ordering a meal in the Land of the Free is an art form in itself , given the copious choice .
12 The site of the Unfair is an old industrial building close to the main train station in Ehrenfeld , a section of Cologne slightly outside the centre , but still close to the main gallery district , the Belgischen Viertel .
13 THE Prime Minister yesterday dismissed charges that his rejection of Margaret Thatcher 's industrial policies of the 1980s was an attack on his predecessor .
14 And if the whole life of the contemplative is an extension of the Incarnation , it is at this point that Christ is quickened .
15 One of the dead was an IRA Commander , Kevin O'Donnell , who was acquitted of a charge of gun-running in London last year .
16 To say they were playing for a 0–0 is an understatement .
17 Insensitivity while dealing with the bereaved is an endemic problem in our modern world .
18 Perched on a Jean-Michel Franck chair from the Forties is an elderly , very grand , very blonde Frenchwoman waiting to have her photograph taken .
19 Dovercourt in the thirties was an Essex coastal village favoured as a retirement home for those who enjoyed stiff breezes and bracing walks .
20 But the Soviet Union in the 1950s was an even more formidable adversary than Hitler 's Germany had been .
21 the establishment of women 's committees in some local authorities in the 1980s was an attempt to counter the male bias within the system .
22 One country child born in the 1870s was an exception to this , for she had to share her grandmother 's bed — until her parents removed her , having been superstitiously warned that ‘ she took my young breath . ’
23 The point effectively being made is that , if making a poor person better off by £1 via a redistributive transfer reduces the income of the rich person by more than £1 ( because of , say , the necessary administrative costs of the transfer and/or the disincentive effects to earn in the market-place ) , how much more than the £1 gain to the poor is an acceptable ‘ price ’ ?
24 To Frankie , the brief excursion to the fair is an escape , a passing interlude , a reminder of his young sister in Chicago , whom he misses .
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