Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Ben Jonson actually takes delight in announcing ( in Latin ) on the title page of his 1616 Workes that the book is designed for the select few and not the common crowd .
2 In 1921 Bowley estimated that only 41 per cent of working class families could depend on a man 's wage and of the families drawing public assistance during the 1930s fewer than one half depended on only one wage earner .
3 Assuming that you wish to become one of the select few and possess a suitable radio , you should set up the collective pitch travel in a manner which gives a mirror image of the normal travel when the invert switch is operated .
4 Mr O'Gara now expects that proportion to shrink rapidly as sales of the PSV-2 more than double this year .
5 Local hierarchy did not always read off academic excellence as the desired end of local practice , so that there was less concern in these rural areas for the fate of the top few than for that of the majority .
6 According to United Nations studies ( see Fath , 1985 ) , in the 1970s less than one-third of the food consumed in the Third World was processed .
7 Traditional Burmese culture centred upon the monasteries , found in every village and town , so that in the 1920s more than half the males in Burma were literate in their mother tongue ( compared to a literacy rate of 13. 9 per cent in India ) .
8 When there is a head , as in the following example : in a little less than an hour
9 As for the branches , it is perhaps invidious to focus upon a chosen few since in some places merely to carry on unheralded was a considerable triumph .
10 Well they did a lot of them are actually country songs that were like Old Flames and and even the Black Sheep was was an American song which we you know and yes you know if you send them back to America , Old Flames for instance is often back on the American those that played on the Irish programme .
11 Mossop could not remember the address and it required several false starts and wrong turnings before they located the right house , one grey-dashed end-of-terrace dwelling among the featureless many that spread like silt round the fenced-off acres of pipelines and flares .
12 Almost a month went by before she allowed herself an evening to realise that there was at the very least and latest , an unfinished conversation between them .
13 By the mid-Fifties more than half the girls at American universities were dropping out of college in order to marry and help their husbands to get through .
14 But it is possible to draw so tight a circle around an enlightened few that the picture becomes distorted in the opposite direction .
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