Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun] before " in BNC.

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1 Graphs showing the relative enhancement of P ( b ) and v 1 ( c ) following the tetanus as a function of the initial P. The P and v 1 ratios were calculated as the mean value for the 500 trials immediately after the tetanus divided by the mean for the 500 trials before the tetanus .
2 For the twelve days before Christmas a black cloud hung over the Ramseys .
3 For another 150 years after this , the Ottoman empire continued to expand northwards and westwards until a high-water mark was reached in 1683 , with Ottoman forces assembled for the second time before the gates of Vienna .
4 Kevin Arnott and Alistair Campbell put on 51 for the second wicket before the former was bowled by Maninder for 21 .
5 It is based on the hope that the fieldworker will provide continuity of care for the young people before and after admission .
6 An overall value of basal UOS pressure was derived for the six seconds before and up to six seconds after the onset of the common cavity episode by averaging the individual two second values .
7 Student 's paired t test was used to compare basal UOS pressure for the six seconds before the common cavity to the six seconds after the onset of the common cavity .
8 He had been a Housemaster at Cranleigh School , and then Headmaster of Dartford Grammar School in Kent for the eight years before his move to Stockport , and his arrival coincided with the departure of the record number of 69 entrants to University and 18 to Polytechnics and Colleges of Higher Education .
9 I fought my hardest for the Dutch prisoners before the Privy Council this morning , but the tribunal was hopelessly divided , and the anti-Boers prevailed over the pro-Boers .
10 Which proved more influential for the Liberal party before 1914 , its policies or its leadership ?
11 At the rate things were going Meredith could swallow up the budget for the entire year before the season was a quarter way through .
12 Today he spoke of his ordeal for the first time.Shortly before midnight on Sunday he 'd checked and locked up the pub as normal .
13 Mr Major is expected to meet the new president for the first time before Christmas .
14 The combined spend by political parties on posters of £2.7m accounts for 17 per cent of all monies spent on roadside advertising for the four weeks before the election .
15 A warm and welcoming place , Southern Brittany provides a wealth of places to explore for the remaining time before flying back to England on 20 April 1991 .
16 For the two weeks before every boat race , the home of Heather Boxer becomes the Oxford headquarters .
17 Elizabeth and Helen moved into their own basement flat in an inner-city suburb in 1987. they are middle-aged and spent nearly thirty years together at the same mental handicap hospital but lived separately for the two years before the move into the community because Helen was transferred to a smaller institution .
18 For the two years before Ford 's buy-up , Aston Martin Lagonda had actually shown a profit ( albeit modest ) , the first time in its history that it had managed to do so two years running .
19 Nigel tarted himself up for the two days before her visit .
20 Herodotus was able to establish some kind of time-sequence for the two centuries before his time , but he was a more diffuse writer than Thucydides , who was concerned with many events occurring in a shorter time interval .
21 The solution is to use a smooth yarn for the final row before casting off , or for both rows when joining knitting .
22 Middlesbrough race tomorrow night for the final week before reverting back to their usual Wednesday evening slot .
23 He asked their Lordships for the forthcoming Proof before the Sheriff to be heard away from Orkney in mainland Scotland .
24 As for the medical practitioner before the discovery of antibiotics , what did not exist did not have to be taken into account .
25 The Legal Services Committee continued in 1992 where it left off in 1991 and in January 1992 representatives of the committee appeared for the third time before the Lord Chancellor 's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct .
26 For the few months before the Gulf crisis , the political world dissolved and what existed had no clear shape ; its familiar forms — the nations and empires — had no clear trajectory .
27 As well as coaching many of Britain 's leading international crews , Spracklen is a key member of the Oxford University team , and he will be returning from Canada in March to look after them for the last fortnight before the Boat Race .
28 Goyigama Buddhists normally organized thefts in both areas , but Muslim or Sinhalese Roman Catholic traders usually took control of the animals for the last stages before the slaughterhouse .
29 Mr Speaker Weatherill , who opened the exhibition , appeared for the last time before retirement in the distinctive tail-coat , knee-breeches and white bands of his office .
30 For another , the ‘ war party ’ may already have taken over within the Vietminh : at least when Sainteny , attempting his last act of mediation , saw Ho for the last time before the war started , he complained about the moderate elements who had been eliminated from the government to the benefit of the notorious Francophobes ; and as the war was on the point of beginning , and as attacks on French soldiers and civilians had not ceased , nor had French retaliation , Sainteny 's exasperation was to be seen in his demand that culprits should be punished within 24 hours .
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