Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] time [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The other buses were either spread out in their running time or cut down to form the evening frequency which was less than what it was during the peak time and so I , you know , I 'd , I 'd left it at then , when I went in the forces then , he carried on .
2 Here is known as the retardation time and is a measure of the time delay in the strain after imposition of the stress .
3 No correlation was found between the nucleation time and CSI , total protein concentration or the distribution of vesicular cholesterol in hepatic bile .
4 There was no correlation between the nucleation time and the CSI in hepatic bile .
5 This is partly supported by the evidence that the CSI and the distribution of vesicular cholesterol differed significantly between the two groups ( Table ) despite the lack of significant correlation between the nucleation time and these variables in each group ( Fig 3 ) .
6 It may be said in general that the designer of a superconducting circuit needs to worry about the response time and energy of superconducting electrons .
7 about at their height about the hurricane time and was it fifty one I think .
8 This subject had interested him , both as contributor to and editor of the magazines Time and Epoch in the years immediately before he wrote Crime and Punishment .
9 What do you do at the end of the winter time and er spring arrives and it 's too warm for the electric blanket .
10 The incidence of coagulopathy ( prolongation of the prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time ) after peritoneovenous shunting in patients with malignant ascites is 0% to 10% .
11 Try using the end of the lab time and " free periods " during the week .
12 At the lowest operating speeds [ Fig.s .2 ( a ) ] the current waveforms are nearly rectangular , the build-up of current to the rated level occupies a minor portion of the excitation time and the methods of Chapter 4 can be used to calculate the pull-out torque .
13 Piano improvisation has therefore been taken out of the course time and is now an option .
14 In one way you feel better knowing that we played well , the other way li ‘ l ol ’ Victor springs to the fore of the mind time and again .
15 On the long row back he had traced the logic of the thing time and again .
16 The form should be filled in with the completion time and date on the row{ Completed Date Time } below the row labelled{ 2 .
17 The form should be filled in with the completion time and date on the row } Completed Date Time{ below the row labelled } 2 .
18 Every three months additional biochemical and virological measurements including the prothrombin time and the levels of alanine aminotransferase , albumin , bilirubin , HBsAg , and antibodies against HBsAg as well as HBeAg were performed .
19 To measure oesophageal body motility , variables measured were : ( 1 ) amplitude of contraction ( mm Hg ) , defined as the difference between the baseline pressure and the maximal pressure during the pressure event ; ( 2 ) duration of contraction ( s ) , defined as the time elapsed between the start and the end of the pressure event ; ( 3 ) area under the pressure curve ( mm Hg×s ) , calculated from the sum of all pressure values between the start and the end of the pressure event , multiplied by the sampling interval ; ( 4 ) propagation velocity ( cm/s ) , defined as the speed of a contraction and calculated from the delay time and the distance between the sensors ; ( 5 ) contractility ( mm Hg/s ) , defined as the maximal increment between consecutive pressure values divided by the sampling interval ; ( 6 ) total contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as pressure curves that are not rejected as artifacts ; ( 7 ) propagated contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as contractions that are detected by a proximal pressure transducer and followed by a contraction at the distal sensor .
20 The fusion product has unusual units : keV sec per m 3 ; the keV is the temperature , sec comes from the confinement time and per m 3 gives the density .
21 The Date & Time fields are automatically filled from the PCs time and date .
22 See they got on the lights so long of the day in the winter time and made them lay just like as if it 'd been summer .
23 But no no er there was so many hinds having to be shot in the winter time and and and it would be sent away you see .
24 And she went down to check in the winter time and she said your van was really dry .
25 The whole idea of judging by one hundred days was resurrected in the Kennedy time and people applied that to Wilson and to Heath and to Margaret Thatcher , and maybe it 's just a media hype , but I think it does give us some view and I think we need more of a view on this man , because a lot of people are saying will the real John Major please stand up .
26 Oh now we went out like in the night time and .
27 Mr Hayton last year voiced concern that some part-time stations occasionally failed to get any response , particularly in the day time and the nearest full-time station had to cover .
28 You 've got a hundred — a hundred degrees in the day time and you 've got freezing conditions at night and literally just , people are lying , lying on the floor shaking at night time , erm they 're beginning to lose children , they have n't had an er epidemic of disease yet , you know they 're definitely going to get one , er and then the other big problem is er to coordinate a massive air lift , and it 's going to have to be an air lift , you know as , as big as say the Berlin air lift .
29 If you want your holidays , you have them in the summer time and May Day is a workers ' day .
30 ’ New Release ’ will be bottled and on the shelves in a months time and is England 's answer to the French wine Beaujolais Nouveau .
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