Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [conj] that " in BNC.

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1 It 's still a hundred gram jar as the same as that .
2 This is despite the fact that its acreage of farmland is about the same as that of the United States , a nation that has become the world 's greatest grain exporter .
3 Very , very roughly , however , the cost of ‘ industrial ’ timber is about the same as that of commercial mild steel per lb .
4 If the mass is about the same as that of the Sun , the core will shrink when the hydrogen runs low , while the outer layers will expand and cool .
5 The abortion ratio for teenagers in England and Wales of about 500 per 1,000 live births is about the same as that of other industrial countries except for Japan , Denmark , and Sweden where the ratio is about 1,500 per 1,000 live births ( Clearie et al .
6 It appears that a reworded criterion : " can represent a given decimal number on a number line to one decimal place " would have yielded a success rate of 75 per cent , about the same as that for the first item .
7 Although it is not possible to translate this directly into a success rate for the pupils in this project , an estimate of 40 per cent would be reasonable — about the same as that obtained for the written test items .
8 In fact I did one for , for erm one on for two years I think to ab about the same as that , just in pretty colours , but it went on and on .
9 The length of the text is usually about the same as that of texts used for multiple-choice reading items .
10 Probably probably about the same as that .
11 With their broader streets and freshly painted houses they might appear to be so , but , as Engels remarked , those streets were often unpaved and lacked a sewer , the paint was bound to fade within a decade , and their apparent solidity of build would then be revealed as no more than that of bricks laid end to end .
12 He had an enjoyable job of work waiting for him , and asked for no more than that .
13 With the same as that , yes !
14 In , prior to ninety one ninety two which is three years prior to now , a married woman was entitled to the same as that , it was , they did n't call it basic allowance , the same amount only if she was married of course and working , it had to be earned income .
15 We will ensure that the total number of warheads on the four-boat Trident system is limited to no more than that currently deployed on the Polaris system , and our Defence Review will consider whether we can reduce this further without threatening security .
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