Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [conj] an " in BNC.

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1 Now , with a journey through the EC regarded as the same as an internal domestic trip , drivers are not obliged to carry any special documents .
2 They verified both predictions , and calculated the effective mass of a moving soliton. it is about the same as an electron 's mass .
3 It may be concluded from this that prey size can be used as no more than an approximation to predator type , and size spectra are certainly not predator-specific .
4 These adults never actually appear on the screen and their speech is represented as no more than an incoherent buzz of verbal static , because adults are irrelevant to the world of Charlie Brown , Lucy , Linus , Snoopy and Woodstock .
5 The appointment of Oleg Lobov , a former construction engineer and close friend of Mr Yeltsin , as a deputy prime minister responsible for the economy had shifted the balance of power within the government towards the Gosplan-types , who favour a return to central planning and tend to dismiss budget deficits as no more than an accountant 's fancy .
6 the Court of Appeal regarded ‘ common benefit ’ as no more than an element ( although an important element ) in showing consent in cases of the type of Carstairs v. Taylor .
7 We are kept reading by the promise of an original sin or trauma that will justify — either in psychological or moral terms — the very existence of the story , but stripped of the successive identities he has built up over the years , Philip 's father is revealed as no more than an insecure , over-imaginative little boy .
8 Did he really expect her to smile now and fall in with his plans , treat all this deception as no more than an unusual diversion ?
9 Kim Dae Jung had accused Roh of staging a constitutional coup by his merger with the opposition , and had characterized the DLP as no more than an attempt to provide a form of constitutional legitimacy for the government 's increasing authoritarianism .
10 The materials illustrated in the appendix to this chapter are offered as no more than an example .
11 Zurich is an essential part of one of the regions inviting exploration , north Switzerland , which tourists are inclined to pass through with no more than an approving nod , rather than lingering to find out .
12 Harry went in , enquired and was given , with no more than an eyebrow-twitch of puzzlement , a comprehensive catalogue of Shepherd & Woodward 's university wares .
13 It means that a plaintiff with no more than an arguable case for suppressing a story on breach of confidence grounds can obtain , at a secret High Court hearing , an injunction against one defendant ( perhaps a journal whose financial position does not permit a legal contest ) and thereafter enforce it against every media outlet in the country .
14 The most systematic study of legacies sub modo , while drawing attention to the Scaevolan cases in which trusts are construed , points out that this amounted to no more than an isolated and sporadic tendency .
15 There we said that the foundationalist 's beliefs about his sensory states , to be infallible , would have to have vanishingly small content ; in fact , to amount to no more than an incomprehensible gesture .
16 If the telephone conversation amounts to no more than an inquiry or preliminary discussion , it may be that no contract is made then .
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