Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The US State Department 's Francis Fukuyama even dared to talk of the ‘ end of history ’ by which he meant that the ideological struggle between Marxist-Leninism and liberal democracy had resulted in such a clear victory for the latter that its predominance in future could not be challenged .
2 For the next half-hour Roland worked haphazardly , moving backwards and forwards in the Vico , half-looking for Proserpina , half-reading Ash 's notes , which was not easy , since they were written in various languages , in Ash 's annotating hand , which was reduced to a minute near-printing , not immediately identifiable as the same as his more generous poetic or letter-writing hand .
3 About the same as your instinctive reaction … guarded doubt .
4 SIGNIFIED ( myth ) and it is the elucidation of the latter that his analysis aims at .
5 It is in terms of the latter and their involvement in , and influence on , movements for social change that the project will be judged radical or not .
6 The CNAA has always embodied a mixed , bureaucratic-collegial model of regulation , but the emphasis seems now to be moving towards the latter as its validation role declines .
7 He was guilty of no more than his usual exaggeration when , at the age of twenty-four , he announced to a friend that he had read ‘ almost every thing ’ .
8 I made it my practice , not without some official misgivings , to work through the chairmen of the regional boards as a collective body , behaving , though they were my appointees , as no more than their primus inter pares .
9 Twenty years at the pinnacle of his profession had paid him handsomely and he accepted the accolades and the financial rewards as no more than his due .
10 When Harold Skimpole declares to him that ‘ The owners of such places as Chesney Wold … are public benefactors … good enough to maintain a number of delightful objects for the admiration and pleasure of us poor men ’ , Sir Leicester receives the compliment as no more than his due .
11 It is characteristic of the novel that climate and vegetation should count for no less than its comedy of manners , in which the Jewish businessman Harry de Tunja plays an enjoyable part , and that neither of these two elements , so far as they can be distinguished from the rest of the novel , should count for less than the opinions which they help to convey .
12 Listen , I goes , I do n't care who it was but you better not come and knock for no more because my Mum 's screwing with you .
13 This enforced poverty made them easier targets for propaganda : if they left with no more than their allowance , they could be portrayed as shabby Untermenschen scuttling away like rats ; if they managed to outwit the system , then they were economic criminals fleeing with stolen goods .
14 Henry Leland was 74 when he won a contract to supply Liberty engines , with no more than his technical know-how , reputation and a factory site as collateral .
15 He was a great lad now , though still slight and not above average height for eleven years , but he had not changed towards her in the least and his adoration of Pilade was touching .
16 In the process earlier holistic concepts of healing associated with women healers were eclipsed by an atomistic approach which reduced patients to no more than their dysfunctioning parts .
17 Later this month Sam Torrance will set out from his home in Largs to embark on no less than his 20th season on the PGA European Tour .
18 It was because he had been summoned to do so , by no less than his paymaster , Edward , King of England .
19 Many is the time I have been able at my grandmother 's table to lick my fingers after eating a cream coronet upon a precedent established by good Queen Mary who had been observed doing such a thing by no less than my grandmother when visiting the big house .
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