Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At present , Wheal Jane produces about 1600 tonnes of tin per year , about the same as South Crofty mine near Redruth .
2 He has plans now to buy a property in Venice : ‘ I love the palce so much : a five-room apartment there costs about the same as studio flat in Tufnell Park . ’
3 Current predictions for the cost of generating electricity with the Super-Phenix put it at about the same as coal but twice as expensive as a conventional reactor .
4 It is in both the firm 's and the consumer s interests that this is for some extended period : in the case of the latter because search costs ( presumably ) are finite and so will not be worth incurring if there is only some probability of finding low prices , unless the benefits are substantial .
5 I think it is helpful to think of the latter as debtor ( creditor-supplier ) agreements since this emphasizes the fact that in such agreements there is some connection between the creditor and the supplier : either they are the same person eg in the credit-sale , conditional sale , of HP agreement ; or there are business arrangements between them .
6 Iron and steel and shipbuilding are good examples of the former and motor vehicles and electrical engineering equipment of the latter .
7 Rugby Union : Black knights move on the Welsh pawns : Steve Bale predicts more of the same as rugby union 's champions , New Zealand , arrive on their tour today
8 This has been capped by the well publicised current appearance of no less than Rain Man ( Warner ) for sale ( £14.99 ) as well as for rent , when hitherto the two spheres have tacitly been regarded as mutually exclusive .
9 To the extent that there is an elision in the terms of debate , and the concept of postmodern arrangements is aligned only with a ‘ free ’ labour market variant of organizational forms , which actually means freedom for a few and restriction to much more repressive conditions for the many , then the terms of debate and choice are unnecessarily restricted .
10 The theory remains a controversial one but Dr Kinlen told The Scotsman that it is becoming harder to dismiss the findings as no more than chance .
11 But unlike those Marxists who conceive of the mass media as no more than relay systems working on behalf of the dominant classes , some have forcefully argued that systems of maintenance and reproduction do not necessarily operate smoothly ; there are contradictions , there is social and political dissent and there is political struggle .
12 The IRA regards both as no more than gangster bands .
13 MCI Communications Corp describes a report in the Wall Street Journal that it is talking with several cable television companies about partnerships , with them possibly buying a stake in MCI as no more than rumour .
14 This view of acting behaviour as no more than role function has taken us a long time to understand .
15 It is very possible to sympathize in good part , if not entirely , with the psychologists and philosophers who were sceptical or uncertain of the worth of introspection as a source of knowledge , reluctant to attempt to deal with the unquantifiable , keen to be in accord with certain principles of scientific methodology , resistant to such free speculation as the Freudian kind , and who thus took the step of analysing ascriptions of consciousness into claims about no more than behaviour .
16 They stressed UNLU 's moderate demands , calling for a two state solution , mutual recognition , direct Israeli-PLO negotiations , concluding ‘ the Palestinians are calling for no more than peace with a reasonable measure of justice . ’
17 With a more than halving of losses in the second quarter to $48.7m ( 1992 : $100.2m loss ) , the worldwide underwriting deficit at the mid year was down by $106.2m from $235.2m ( representing 12.3% of premiums ) to $129.0m ( 6.1% of premiums ) , a reduction due largely to a substantial improvement in the UK result .
18 Therese kept down , in the background , her voice modulated into no more than competence
19 This is less true of public sector services than of the private sector , but in recent years it is in the latter that growth in employment has been concentrated .
20 Even if the observation was not consciously made , Leonard recognised the great similarities which were taking place between music and poetry ( and in art and sculpture , too ) , which went under the name of neo-classicism in the former and modernism in the latter .
21 The scornful response to the latter and silence about the former soon gives the game away .
22 In the first half of the seventeenth century the traditional Elizabethan style carried on , unabashed by fashion ; then again there was the purely classical Queen 's House at Greenwich , built by Inigo Jones , as radically different to the former as chalk is to cheese .
23 Since considerations of probability are to the fore in one part of actual scientific practice bearing on causation , and there is little attempt to go beyond them , and there is to hand the Probability Calculus , we are invited to take it that causation can come to no more than probability .
24 It may be argued that these proposals amount to no more than state capitalism .
25 But evidence really amounts to no more than expression of the opinion by a particular practitioner of what he thinks that he would have done if he had been paid hypothetically without the benefit of hindsight the position of the defendant , with a little while the evidence of the witness is due , what in the matter of law the solicitor 's duty was in the particular circumstances of the case , I should have thought , being a solicitor the very question which the functions , to decide .
26 The subsection creates an obligation to consult the judiciary , not to be governed by their opinion , which amounts to no more than advice .
27 ‘ By the fifth decade of the nineteenth century the Industrial Revolution had completely dislocated the traditional structure of English society , bringing riches to a few and misery to the many .
28 Blowflies , psillid bugs and bumblebees are among the few that winter as adults , seeking sheltered corners under rocks and vegetation , close to the soil and under an insulating layer of snow .
29 Its wharves were among the few where steam vessels outnumbered sailing ships at that time .
30 ‘ The sort of judgmental work that the study suggests the external assessor will do will be of a much higher standard requiring people at no less than partner or senior manager level .
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