Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason they are not so popular with knitters who have standard gauge machines and they do n't seem to have caught on for chunky machines , possibly because they are too thick for the former and not thick enough for the latter .
2 The choice between searching for the least or most distant neighbours may depend on the experimental ( or even presentational ) needs because in the former case the algorithm finds more detailed and possibly informationally redundant order of probes , while in the latter case it finds a minimal set of probes connected by clones spanning large regions of the genome .
3 I found that for tie problems such as ‘ 1+1 ’ , ‘ 2+2 ’ , response times were very quick and similar for the more and less able children .
4 Of course they could read the monthly pack anyway but they do not see this as the same as actually having to insert each change in its correct place .
5 He cited too a McKinsey report examining the common differential between the most and least successful companies .
6 So I might be showing myself doing worst than I should be but , look , my actual come out about the same and so when I compare my actual with my planned , I get er , an answer which should approach one .
7 About the same as yesterday I meant .
8 He told Sharpe his patrol was one of the many that daily scouted south to the French border and beyond ; this particular troop had been ordered to explore the villages south and east of Mons down as far as the Sambre , but not to encroach on Prussian territory .
9 Only after he had left is he free , in the absence of express restraint , to make use of the latter though never the former .
10 But at a time when tunes from bourgeois sources were increasingly popular and when traditional , so called ‘ folk ’ tunes were in decline , certainly in the music hall , Corvan used comparatively few of the former and actively retained many of the latter .
11 Labour at the moment offers ‘ more of the same but better ’ .
12 The second Duma consisted of the same as before plus a few Social Democrats .
13 Er in the U K we 've held our market position and it 's been a a pretty desperate market we were one of the few if not the only book seller who refused to er to yield better discount terms er , on the threat of er every , every book seller was every er publisher was threatened with erm not being stocked unless we gave bigger discounts .
14 An excerpt from the list of source node names which shows some of the most and least frequent names
15 An excerpt from the list of target node names which shows some of the most and least frequent names
16 The client may then be asked to re-order this list in terms of the most and least pressing problems .
17 It is of a more than usually splendid birthday party , of jolly music , beer and sausages , goose-stepping , displays of rocket transporters and President Gorbachev saying ( without mentioning his loaded off-the-cuff remarks , or those by his spokesman , Gennady Gerasimov ) all the right things about West German revanchism .
18 This Spring , BBC2 is televising a Primetime production of one of the great theatrical stagings of the 1980s — Trevor Nunn 's landmark production of Othello , with Willard White in the title-role , Ian McKellen as Iago , and Imogen Stubbs as a more than usually childlike Desdemona .
19 Usually , all rules begin with the same or nearly equal weights .
20 If there are too many hypotheses with the same or very similar scores , and the cost of the path increases with its length then the algorithm will explore the search space on a broad front , regardless of the accuracy of the estimate .
21 Section 2 to read : The Coordinator as part of his/her responsibility is part Area Secretary for a geographical area with no more than approximately a quarter of a million population .
22 His long nose came from the latter and more specifically from a genetic type unit near the Dead Sea .
23 In recognition of this fact , there has been a significant entrance of women into mainstream media — much more in western than in Third World countries , but to a noticeable extent in the latter as well .
24 a person of one sex is treated less favourably , on the ground of sex , than a person of the other sex would be in the same or not materially different circumstances .
25 Direct discrimination against a married person occurs where a married person is treated less favourably on the grounds of marital status , than an unmarried person of the same sex would be in the same or not materially different circumstances .
26 In some passerine species it even justifies slightly larger clutches than are found in the same or closely related species of lower latitudes ( Ricklefs , 1980 ) .
27 To which he uttered the classic comment , in the more than usually low drawl he employed for such deliverances : ‘ There 's always bound … to be a certain amount of iniquity … in these matters ’ .
28 So erm they would n't take him in the army but he , he was in the more or less he was , he was in the map making department .
29 ‘ Because the issue was public against private rather than the relationship between private and public , Britain has suffered from a less than fully productive public sector and a less than fully responsible private sector , neither of which were satisfactory engines for growth .
30 I still wanted to believe that he had been fooling me , or testing my credulousness in a more than averagely cruel manner .
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