Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 The latest Disneyland , near Tokyo , has been a roaring success , recently beating the world record for the most visitors at an attraction in a day .
2 The carrier would have agreed to carry them for the same price at the carrier 's risk .
3 However , this implicitly assumes that the investor may be able to reinvest the dividend for the same return at a lower risk than the firm ( or for a higher return for the same risk ) which , given the asymmetry of information , can not be the case unless the firm itself has an inferior investment policy , in which case the investor would be advised to withdraw his or her investment from the firm completely .
4 Macho Jose lined up for the same run at Leganes yesterday — and was wounded by another horn .
5 Organisers of Wirral 's Initiative for Needy Children ( Winch ) are also lining up a celebrity spot-kick contest for the same day at Prenton Park .
6 Whereas Fig.9.1 shows absolute numbers for the same country at different points of historical time , Fig. 9.2 gives percentages so that structural comparisons can be made among countries with very different total populations at roughly the same time .
7 Over the weekend of 21/22 September 1985 , for example , 60 protesters were arrested for wire-cutting at Molesworth and a further 55 were arrested or reported for the same action at RAF Sculthorpe .
8 Thus the more nearly perfect a market is , the stronger is the tendency for the same price to be paid for the same thing at the same time in all parts of the market : but of course if the market is large , allowance must be made for the expense of delivering the goods to different purchasers ; each of whom must be supposed to pay in addition to the market price a special charge on account of delivery .
9 William Overton held the courts of Empingham for as little as 40d. , compared with 40s. for the same duty at Burley .
10 Analyses of survival distributions of contemporaneous cohorts showed that roots at the northern site consistently lived longer on average than roots born during the same periods at the southern site ( Geham-Mantel test , α =0.05 ) .
11 I believe that , as we come out of the recession , we shall find that British industry is much stronger than it was during the same period at the beginning of the 1980s , and that it will prosper mightily during the remainder of the 1990s .
12 It will use data from the Scottish Young People 's Surveys of 1985 , 1987 and 1989 to make comparisons between TVEI and non-TVEI pupils in TVEI schools , between TVEI schools and all other schools in Scotland , and between the same schools at different times before and after the introduction of TVEI .
13 No , various European countries started erm thinking about the same idea at the same time , and there are some interesting questions here about why everybody suddenly lit upon this piece of legislation .
14 Professional families in Liverpool had about the same age at death as labourers in Wiltshire ( table 2.2 ) .
15 I played a similar round at about the same time at the Nabisco/ Dinah Shore Tournament at Mission Hills , California .
16 The wood floated for many weeks , through the many days at sea many things happened like the strange shape it had formed from being slashed off by the sea .
17 After a few attempts at checking myself by thinking of Hattie Jacques and Eric Sykes riding a tandem , I found myself back at the doctor .
18 After a few days at Broadlands , they flew to Gibraltar to join the Royal Yacht Britannia for a two-week cruise in and around the Mediterranean .
19 After a few enquiries at Brigade H.Q I presented myself outside the big house at 2 p.m. wearing kilt , polished boots ( which took some doing ) and , of course , carrying the bagpipes .
20 He had raised his voice so that it carried through the babel of the many conversations at the high table , and even reached the nearest of the lesser knights below .
21 Gothic twist : just one of the many exhibits at the annual Buckinghamshire College Design Degree Show , which featured craft and manufactured furniture .
22 Mercedes-Benz engine from the Graf Zeppelin , just one of the many exhibits at Zeppelinheim , near Frankfurt Airport .
23 It then passes through the site of the former station at Traquair Park East and progresses via housing developments to Station Road , Corstorphine .
24 Figure 22.10 shows another space-time representation of the same type at a higher Rayleigh number .
25 New books which Prestel only issues in English include Picasso and Braque , the collected contributions to the symposium held in 1990 during the exhibition of the same title at the Museum of Modern Art in New York ( DM68 ) , and Josef Hoffmann-Designs , a monograph on the great Viennese designer ( 1870 to 1956 ) , published to coincide with the exhibition at the IBM Gallery , New York ( DM68 ; exhibition until 23 January ) .
26 The drawings represent a selection of the museum 's outstanding holdings which were shown in a larger exhibition of the same title at the British Museum in 1986 .
27 On November 21 the buyers made a sub-sale of the same cargo at 56s. 9d. per quarter .
28 Suppose we think of these data as representing the marks of 50 students in statistics examinations ; the variable x , gives the marks at a Christmas examination and y gives the marks of the same students at Easter , the overall correlation being 0.523 .
29 Something has got to give : all these italicized attributions can not be true of the same person at once .
30 It will be based on fifty in-depth life story interviews with a random sample taken from the British Household Panel Study , which would enable the possibility of a later follow-up study of the same interviewees at or after retirement .
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