Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] but [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
2 Physically and erm emotionally writing can be very isolating and so , for example a few years ago , I was writing a huge piece on Africa about Africa and I found emotions growing that I actually did n't have names for , erm and it made it impossible to finish the piece I was working on , and then I , I went to see an Afro Asian exhibition of art and I saw portraying some of these paintings the same emotions and it , it did n't give me a name for the emotions but it , it made me feel an awful lot less isolated seeing that erm other people have also , have also felt this .
3 Jungle Boy and City Girl reach for the stars but it ca n't last , can it ?
4 Hitchcock wanted her for The Birds but she turned him down .
5 The Bohemians thought of the halls as catering essentially for the masses but they were delighted that they could take their place beside them as part of what Vachel Lindsay was to call ‘ a jocular army ’ .
6 Loopy Lil had n't a steady enough hand for spillikins and she could n't count up to more than three for the dominoes but she seemed happy to watch and smile .
7 But you just had to do that sort of thing , I , we used to feel awfully sorry for the patients but you had , they had do it because they would n't have got a wash otherwise , there was so mu so much to do .
8 Frank soon became a prolific scorer for the Reserves but he graduated to the first team as the ideal foil to the great goal-scorer , Peter Simpson , having begun by deputising for the master when Peter was out injured .
9 We commonly think of the illness as the symptoms but I would ask you to expand your view of disease to take into consideration the individual 's susceptibility because , as we have just seen , it is essential to the process of producing an illness that he be susceptible to it .
10 No single coven knows much about the others but they are powerful , spread like a net through France , Spain , Scotland and England .
11 Over the past year just about every interview I have done has included a question about the galleries but I never thought there would be a problem .
12 Passengers are angry about the cancellations but they do n't blame the drivers .
13 He tried squeezing through the bars but it was impossible to escape .
14 He , at least , kept his hands off the Girls but he did flirt with Nellie 's young nieces whom he would take out on the quiet .
15 They could n't tell you off for not turning off the lights but you were n't meant to be out of your dorm or even out of bed .
16 Now if we can get a proper public transport system , a properly funded public transport system which will make , you can force people off the roads but you can also force them to persuade the approach with a properly funded er public transport system which is A priced within the peoples pockets and B er you can lead to views that will be er , er will be a great advantage for the area and the fifth terminal at Heathrow could fall par to this structure but if this new structure is n't there and if it is n't part of this adequately funded transport system then there is no point in , in building it was as I said earlier be , be madness .
17 Because of the scarcity of ministers , young conforming curates were appointed to many of the kirks but they were disliked , ignored and often abused by the congregations .
18 So perhaps a lot of the times but I would have maybe suggested that , that we could have done and presented that as part of the package .
19 Since we are quite different in our behavioural capacities , notably in our possessing language , this may reflect a lack of subtlety on the part of the anatomists but it is probably reasonable to assume that the input and output ends of the system are pretty much the same in monkeys as in people .
20 She turned round to sec if he was laughing at one of the postcards but he was laughing at her .
21 Sebastian de Ferranti , Basil 's brother and now a director of Ferranti 's competitor GEC , is a trustee of the interests but it is not clear whether he shares these views .
22 I could have won a couple of the frames but he just played too well for me .
23 So er she says well you can think about it for a fortnight er you see her daddy put out discos altogether because of the lies but she cos she gets nervous because when she 's telling a lie to you she 'll go red
24 This means he gets physical possession of the goods but you keep their legal title .
25 We have explored only some of the areas but it should be sufficient to establish the need for more comprehensive research into the use of community languages outside the domain of the family and the community .
26 It 's not the best of the campaigns but it sets the parameters , ’ he says.The message from the ‘ Mouth ’ is far more strident and inspiring .
27 I wish now I had sent it on with the rest of the clothes but I did n't want to risk crushing it . ’
28 The man has only been able to provide police with sketchy details of the youths but they spoke with Liverpool accents .
29 this is a good word because it well it 's not because of the associations but it stresses the femininity and that 's what a lot of the sixties feminists lost , I think was their own femininity because they saw it as man 's imposition
30 stuff I was listening to this morning I do n't whether that was one of the things but she 's certainly looking at areas like that .
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