Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1284 his responsibility for the operations launched a year earlier was put on a permanent footing with the grant of 3s. 0d. a day for life and a future widow 's pension of 1s. 6d. a day for his wife Ambrosia should she survive him .
2 At that stage victory for the strikers seemed a matter of weeks if not days .
3 Well as I understand it the er these lawyers for the defendants took the view that as all the statements had been prepared for the police complaints authority investigation , public immunity er yes er public interest immunity attached to them .
4 The submissions for the defendants included the following : ( i ) a local authority , such as the council , is controlled by elected councillors and the ability to control such a council by the vote of the majority of councillors is the objective of political activity .
5 Lawyers for the families asked the Reporter if he would postpone the start time of the Hearing by one hour , He refused .
6 The National Endowment for the Humanities rejected the society for a $1-million grant in 1988 , citing mismanagement and neglect .
7 We did of course have problems : the concrete for the foundations arrived an hour early , and caught us frantically putting in the underslab insulation ; the existing house was about three inches out of square ; and the bricks we wanted were out of production .
8 The Royal Commission 's proposals for the conurbations survived the Conservative government 's different attitude towards unitary local authorities and became part of an overall two-tier system .
9 The question to be faced after the Robbins deliberations was whether the solutions they had proposed for the CATs constituted a model for future action .
10 The finest prize for the reclaimers remained the Great Level .
11 At Keills a stone cist with a flat stone bottom and cover and small stones used for the walls contained a cremation in a beaker .
12 A spokesperson for the workers said the dust was so thick in the air it could be seen : ‘ This is not the first time this had occurred .
13 Counsel for the unions told the judge that miners were ‘ desperately worried ’ collieries would become unworkable by the end of the 90-day consultation period before they could launch their High Court challenge later this month to the legality of the Goverment 's pit closure programme .
14 But Michael Fallon , defending Darlington for the Tories said the concessionary rail travel would be safeguarded .
15 The pressure waves during the bursts had an amplotude of 19.5 ( 9.9 ) mm Hg and a duration of 3.09 ( 0.22 ) seconds .
16 Hill was a key part of the 1991 Grand Slam team but admitted : ‘ Dewi won the shirt last season and did a terrific job as the lads won the Slam for a second successive year .
17 In the cities , the relative moderation of groups of workers such as the printers pointed the way to co-operation between the working class and progressive sections of ‘ society ’ in pressing for liberal reforms .
18 If it was a newish wheel and the joints between the felloes had a fair gap we 'd give her perhaps ⅞ of an inch ; if the joints were not very loose we 'd give her perhaps ½ an inch .
19 Germany between the wars felt a sharpening of the internal contradictions by which it lived , but it is doubtful that the people concerned ever had a clear understanding of what was happening because the tensions were buried deep within the very fabric of the Reich and because the form and pattern of struggles that resulted from these tensions were always far removed from the real heart of the matter .
20 The new insurance-based schemes adopted by the private sector between the wars offered the possibility of a lump sum payment where a scheme member died in service ( Owen , 1935 , p. 88 ) .
21 Town planning stood to gain accordingly , even if the years between the wars showed no great practical advance in the design , layout and building of towns over what had been achieved before .
22 If the Revenue accept that the court order or agreement between the parties created a settlement on the ground that the interests of the beneficiaries are not of the same quality as the wife has a right of occupation ( see Booth v Ellard [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1443 ) Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act , 1992 , s225 provides that the gain accruing to a trustee on the disposal of settled property shall in effect be free from capital gains tax where during the period of ownership the house has been the only or main residence of the person entitled to occupy it under the terms of the settlement .
23 Rickey Henderson 's nerveless brilliance between the bases helped the Athletics beat the Blue Jays 6-3 in Oakland and earn a 2-0 lead in the American League play-off series .
24 McCreery had already by the afternoon of that day recognised that the question of what should be done about the Croats posed a particular problem .
25 The presence of the Seoul 100 metres silver medallist might have attracted a few more through the turnstiles had the Scottish AAA not agreed to keep his entry a secret at the request of the athlete himself , a fact which inevitably leaked out leaving the promoters somewhat embarrassed .
26 Stars who appeared through the years included the Rolling Stones , Elton John , Rod Stewart and Madonna .
27 Salvation is through the Jews , she often quoted Father Franklin who baptized her , for through the Jews came the Law , through the Jews came Christ , the Son of God was born a Jew , and the Holy Mother of God was a Jew and married a Jew .
28 Through the trees shimmered the 150-acre tarn .
29 An agreed statement issued by the Indian government at the end of the talks made no mention of Kashmir .
30 The British themselves at the end of the talks conceded the pre-eminence of the Standing Group .
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