Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [adv] you " in BNC.

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1 I d I could only glanced at it as I drove past cos the traffic was moving fairly quickly for the lights there you know .
2 If you 're snobbish about the vocals then you 're probably the type of person that caused the instrument mix to appear on the B-side .
3 managers , wo , a lot of ma the managers , a lot of the customers now you know , can come depot
4 And they should , as well , be able to get everyone to attend their own dentist so that as you 're registered with the doctors then you should with the dentist .
5 Erm I do n't know erm how it is like , as I say because I , I 've been left now ten years eleven , eleven in May er so erm I , I really , I do n't know what , how things are with the er with the employees really you know , but erm I used to enjoys my meetings once a month erm and I think everybody seemed fair , we got and of course , according to the Co- magazine that we have , that Focus , they always send me one of those still and er I mean , you 've got er , we used to have a good football team and I think they 've still got a sports team have n't they ?
6 Because we had finished with the hens then you see , and they used to sell the hens for about two shillings or something like that you know .
7 So if you 're in the west of the region do drop into the docks otherwise you can keep in touch with events by watching your TV .
8 So there 's no water shortage as such , sometimes you get the water problems when you get out in the sticks somewhere you 'll , you , you do have problems , but all fire officers are trained to search their areas and have special cards er which they 've done their research on , where the water supplies are , like ponds and lakes and so on , and that information is readily available when they turn out these areas so that a fire crew going out there , your nearest water supply is a pond at and certain area and they 've got that you see .
9 Old colliers used to say that in the mines sometimes you could hear noises that were not just the noise of settlement or movement but something different , the feeling that someone else that you could n't see was working near you .
10 As each new incumbent arrives in the levels above you he will have a different idea from his predecessor as to how things should be done .
11 Once you are starting the second year at the school you see faces that are familiar and through brothers and sisters who are in the years above you get to know them .
12 If you are not going to confine your search to the agencies then you must consider very carefully what your options are .
13 But if you go down to the woods today you wo n't get a big surprise , because as boars have a tendency to charge at people they 're being kept in by an electric fence .
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