Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] [subord] we " in BNC.

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1 for a grant for the toys because we got the original grant from Children In Need
2 A London postman 's daughter whose grandmother lived next door remembers how the old lady ‘ used to pass one or two little bits and pieces over to us , but she used to say to mother , ‘ I ca n't do much for the grandchildren because we have no pension at the end . ’
3 It 's looking promising at the moment , we 've had a lot of support from the people of Didcot , er a number of companies have made donations , T N T express have given us a van to er transport the bikes to the start/finish , and Denton Cycles spares for the bikes if we break down , punctures being the worst
4 We used the number of deaths at 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , and 18 months as the endpoints because we were unable to obtain all the individual data .
5 David Sollom , owner of the centre and one of the three instructors of the day , was enthusiastic about the conditions so we drove straight out to one of the four sites which the school uses .
6 We did n't tell them about the Germans because we did n't want them to be more worried than they were already .
7 At the moment the sail is only attached down its needed edge but before we can use it , we 've got to control it properly and that means to tuck it in the boot the jaws clip on here , the down-haul clips on to the sail and is threaded through the jaws before we make it up on the cleat the position of the boom and hence the sail relative to the wind is controlled by this rope , the mainsheet .
8 Groove Tubes has had success through the years because we tell the truth about tubes ( and tube amps ) .
9 We jostled our way through the multitudes until we found a patch of grass to sit down on .
10 They used to be part and parcel of the water authorities and looked after the rivers when we were one big body , as a water authority .
11 ‘ He had already contacted the police and when they came they asked me to look after the children so we sat in the car .
12 ‘ We will be trying to cover as much of the Games as we can and athletics is one of the most popular , ’ said an official .
13 It would be easier to work out the story of the Jingoes if we knew what the beginning was .
14 ‘ Charles Wood and I were not aware of the problems when we wrote the scene , ’ he recalled .
15 I am making the assumption that Kirov will be able to fill in some of the blanks once we come up with a workable number … probably no more than three .
16 all the rest of the finances as we go and work it out
17 I could see the tiny figures of Harvey and myself moving on two of the screens as we walked across the floor .
18 Herons abounded on the desert bank , rising awkwardly out of the reeds as we approached and flapping heavily away .
19 Erm and I would I would want to try and do some er organize some press coverage at that time for the losers as well as for the winner so that a a and one of the things when we select the participants , er the entrants , er we will not have them all coming from the same school or from the same area , even if the five best entrants all do come from the same school .
20 The shrill creak of the hinges as we were closed into the suffocating darkness of that cliff-top grave was a terrifying sound .
21 Malc closed the shop eventually and we hit the road together once again , his Mother and Father moving in to take care of the boys while we toured from Land 's End to John O'Groats in pursuit of sufficient money to pay off our debts .
22 Erm well slightly different in the fact that er we er have two close schemes with far more er beneficiaries than there are er subscribing members , and at the moment that are four nominated by the er employer and four by the unions er we wish to say a pensioner erm that the rights were a pensioner nominee to that board of trustees , because we feel that er the situation is er is going to increase , we 've got so many beneficiaries and that the pensioners have no representative er I know that erm people on the boards of trustees are completely impartial , but on the other hand there is no pensioner there , the members are unsure of the fund , because of what 's been said , not that I 'm implying it 's not a secure fund , it is a secure fund , but they think why are they keeping the pensioners off , they there is some sort of hidden agenda they will not have us on there because neither of the businesses although we have tried for several years er they will not entertain at the moment erm a pensioner trustee , and yet Professor Good in his report acknowledges the merit of pensioner nominated trustees , er particularly in the sort of schemes where we 've got , wh where th the majority of beneficiaries .
23 Edwy was out on the branch almost within reach of the eggs when we were caught redhanded by the farmer on horseback …
24 PC Geoffrey Archer , 36 , a recipient of the award , explained : ‘ There was smoke billowing out of the windows when we arrived .
25 Okay , but I just wanted to go on to say that I think in reviewing how the budget may be brought more closely under control in the coming year , officers will need to look at the erm size of the committees because we are working with committees at the moment that are larger than those committees which used to exist when this year 's budget was set and that has had some impact and we need to have the implications of any change of committee size whether that might affect the budget , how that would affect the budget , also whether there is any potential for reducing the number of committees further and also whether the rates might be changed , I particularly would like officers to report on what , whether there would be any significant saving from er setting the rates at the round figures they were at a couple of years ago erm
26 And er th there will be an increase the ra accident rates that are orthopaedic related er inside the remainder of the pits because we 're now seeing the drift towards er longer working hours , more time at the coal face .
27 One of the difficulties that actually struck me last night about an organization like A B S A is that how wide , and in fact I 've got something in my filing cabinet next door which will tell me if I looked it up , how wide is the umbrella of the arts because we do n't have anything similar for sport , we do n't have anything specific
28 And all the time what is happening to the size and girth of the branches as we look up higher ?
29 Cable & Wireless Plc says it does not accept those claims made against it by its local partners in Digitel Telecommunications Philippines Inc ( CI No 2,171 ) and will defend against the allegations : ‘ We have received no official notification of this claim and we do not accept the validity of the allegations as we understand them from the press , and would expect to defend our position robustly , ’ it said ; Reuter reports from Manila that the local Cable & Wireless office says that it advised the company last September that it could not invest further in the country until a court case involving another local affiliate , Eastern Telecommunications Philippines Inc , was resolved — Eastern is locked in a legal battle with Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co and appealing a Supreme Court order denying it the right to operate an international gateway ; an industry source said Digitel is tapping another major local partner and British Telecommunications Plc as new shareholders in the company .
30 In it we can not go to any of the extremes because we are aware of them all .
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