Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] day [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So , from any of these you can ‘ have a go ’ at windsurfing for the odd day or two while enjoying the good food and good company of the Houseparty .
2 Well it 's quite fun just going off for the odd day cos then he goes off to see Ian , he enjoys that but it was two afternoons last week cos I did Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon
3 Management offered to pay the workers for the lost days if they returned to work by Wednesday morning , but at a mass meeting on Tuesday 10 June workers voted 48 to 10 against resuming work and rejecting settlement proposals worked out between management and the union until they had seen a report from the Department of Labour Factory Inspectorate .
4 Then , abruptly , for the following day and a half there was neither sand nor palm trees , just a thirty-mile climb up a canyon of broken slate and rock .
5 It was granted for the following day and a deputation was formed consisting of Dr. Paisley , leader of the DUP ; Rev. William Beattie , deputy leader of the same party ; Cecil Harvey , Vanguard Unionist Assembly member from the Saintfield area ; and the present writer .
6 On a voyage to Kuwait , perhaps to Ahmadi or Khafji , the drill was to pass the Strait of Hormuz in darkness , travelling straight across to Dubai , anchor for the following day and then set off in the evening to take up position off Das Island .
7 She 'd been neglecting her work for the past day and a half .
8 For the whole day and all the previous evening , he had the hood up and tinkered with the engine .
9 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 'S former reformist leader , Mr Alexander Dubcek , yesterday promised to meet anti-government protesters in Prague during the coming days and urged beleaguered Communist leaders to resign .
10 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 'S former reformist leader , Mr Alexander Dubcek , yesterday promised to meet anti-government protesters in Prague during the coming days and urged beleaguered Communist leaders to resign .
11 Asquith , the son of former Liberal Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith , had started making films during the silent days and subsequently directed classics such as Pygmalion , The Winslow Boy and The Browning Version .
12 The difference between the early days and 1976 was that cars were going a lot faster — Lauda himself had been the first to break the magical seven-minute lap in 1975 — and that very little had been done to make the track safer .
13 Well she she told me that your M E type symptoms had got a lot worse and I said that 's we had at That 's what I chatted with her about the other day but
14 David Lee from ENERGIZE thinks Electro is on its way back , and could speak for many hours about the halcyon days before Electro meant toddlers break-dancing in the streets , title-dropping classics like Man Parrish 's ‘ Hip Hop Be Bop ’ , early Mantronix , and Shannon .
15 Sitting at the table one evening next to Astrid 's mum , Peg , from Massachusetts , he opened up , as one sometimes can , to an interested stranger and spoke for hours about the old days and about his condition and his feelings .
16 Noah 's faith was persistent ; through the taunts of unbelievers as he worked ; through the rainstorm ; through the tragedy of knowing that men and women were dying in the flood ; through the long days and nights waiting for the next stage , as the waters went down .
17 But they refreshed me , sustained me through the subsequent days and weeks , like water in a camel 's hump .
18 But having said that , if you 're standing er at the seafront after a hot day or something and there 's a cool er breeze coming in off the sea , the same thing is er is a pleasing thing .
19 Upon receipt of the requisite documents the proper officer enters the originating application in the court records and fixes a return day , prepares a notice to each respondent of the return day and delivers a plaint note ( N206 ) to the applicant ( Ord 3 , r 4(4) ) .
20 We talked of the good days and our music .
21 Because incense burns at an even rate and without flame , it is well suited for measuring the division of the religious day and for other purposes .
22 When he had finished , Bicker strode to the window and looked out at the tumbled clouds of the late day and the gathering darkness of the deserted hills .
23 It was early afternoon of the following day before Karelius found the opportunity to be alone with her .
24 The number of states actively involved in international relations was very small by the standards of the present day and the relationships between them relatively clear-cut .
25 From this it will be gathered that Daisan Butai 's play is very much of the present day and the world we live in .
26 The guilt she felt in depriving him of any pleasure was like a stitch in her side , yet the thought of the long day and the long drive were beyond acceptance .
27 Using the time after one has gone to bed can avoid interruptions ; 10–15 minutes per child is only a small time out of the whole day and it needs to be given high priority .
28 Long conversations tired her but she loved to talk of the old days and her life as a nanny to a wealthy family .
29 Mrs Browning likes to have me with her now , no other person will do , and we talk of the old days and Miss Henrietta slipping off to Regent 's Park to walk with Mr Surtees Cook and the squeezes she loved to hold in Wimpole Street when her father was away .
30 fertilizer application is becoming a high-tech activity with the introduction of the computerized N-Sure service advising farmers of the exact day that ‘ Nitram ’ should be applied for optimum crop production .
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