Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With the financial institutions of the City closed for the weekend the normally bustling streets were clear enough to allow bursts of sixty to seventy miles an hour .
2 For the builder the most significant disadvantages created by the employment of directly employed labour are the need to : ( a ) Create incentive or motivation which will induce the operative to achieve a production rate that will equal or better the tender or estimate .
3 One of Jacob Rothschild 's first decisions as Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund was not to acquire for the nation the most comprehensive collection in England of naive art shop signs , weather vanes , country furniture , marine samplers and quilts , made between 1750 and 1900 offered by dealer/collector Andras Kalman .
4 Policy , the report said , was to include ‘ the improvement of the water supplies of the province in order to conserve the pasture , make more grazing available in dry seasons and thus make possible for the tribe a more settled and less migratory life ’ .
5 The curricular review for the age group 5–14 years presents exciting challenges and during the year a very successful primary pilot was undertaken which involved 100 schools throughout Scotland .
6 During the reception a beautifully made scale model of Searcher was presented to the Department for display at Headquarters alongside all the other models of cutters through the ages .
7 Unfortunately living in Ireland I do n't see much of the team but I was lucky enough to be in Southampton a few weeks ago to see them beat Southampton about the head a little .
8 At the moment , however , the street is deserted , so we 'll come back to this view through the window a little later .
9 ‘ Blackburn have gone off the track a little , which opens the door .
10 At first this was merely the usual paranoid rumour inevitable under a ruthless regime where informers abounded , but after a time a more imaginative version emerged .
11 As those visits covered a period of six months , I may have got some of the dialogue a little out of the exact chronological order , but by and large that was the sequence of events .
12 Another tunnel was being put in along Benson 's Lode , in the western bank of the beck a little upstream of the top waterfall .
13 At the turn of the century a uniquely all female climbing club , The Pinnacle , came into existence .
14 The theme running through Victorian Darwinistic science was that women were merely vehicles for reproduction and were thus nearer nature ( and the lower animals ) than men , but towards the end of the century a more positive view of motherhood emerged , largely as a result of eugenic concern about the quality of the race .
15 By the middle of the century the most important lectures were called Discourses , and were delivered on Friday evenings .
16 Between these two groups , each including within itself many sub-groups , there was on most of the great issues of the day a fairly clear division .
17 Having passed the village of Newheed ( Hythe ) in safety , he took his way over Snodland Brook — in the best season of the year a very dangerous road for a drunken man .
18 Preparations were set in motion to introduce by the end of the year a much shorter " core " list of restricted items , affecting only 30-50 per cent of the 116 items on the current list .
19 Just over the edge of the cliff the most wonderful flower of all was growing , roots and leaves out of reach on the rocky perpendicular , but the blue spangle of its bloom poking up invitingly at the jagged rim of the cliff .
20 I do n't think anybody appreciates just how much , and I would like to put it on record , how much George does on behalf of the provence a very considerable piece of work !
21 That I think is absolutely er fundamental erm to the issue , and because of the way the practically the the greenbelt local plan has been defined , that means it has to be practically outside the outer boundary of the greenbelt .
22 Towards the top of the scale the relatively large number of prosperous husbandmen must be taken as reflecting the high overall level of wealth reinforced by the demand of the manufacturing population for food ; at the lower end the paucity of £2 assessments can almost certainly be attributed to the cottage farmers having turned over to weaving and kindred trades .
23 There was no time , however , for him to develop such a fascinating , and probably futile thought ; for as he stood waiting on the pavement outside the hotel entrance , a taxi drew up , and with the help of the driver a very drunken man staggered stupidly into the foyer .
24 In the latter part of the poem a more general " present " is implied , and this second content time is closer to the coding time .
25 The wording of the various statutes in these areas is often quite difficult to interpret , while the changing climate of public opinion concerning sex makes application of the law a necessarily fluid matter in relation to its implication under changing circumstances .
26 If it is possible to raise the temperature of the water a little , the life cycle of the parasite will be hastened and a cure more quickly effected .
27 In considering the core issue of the authority of the state the most important conclusion is in the relative independence of identification with one 's community as a non-instrumental basis of authority , which is none the less subject to limits imposed by the normal justification thesis .
28 The gentle breeze managed to cool down the heat of the sun a little but sustained the dust raised by the passing vehicles and deposited it in a thin film on the white tablecloths and the empty seats of the outdoor café .
29 JC : During the first year of the war a somewhat depleted company continued to perform at Sadler 's Wells ( Rosebery Avenue ) .
30 Even at the upper end of the market the newly rich tended to choose the conventional settings for expensive stones .
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