Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
2 If the Policyholder was unaware of the faulty roof or did not have reasonable time in which to carry out repairs , then it is in order to deal with the claim for the damage to the internal decorations and/or contents but not the repairs to the roof , which the Policyholder should have carried out as soon as possible .
3 Such damage normally involves earth retaining walls but unless the private residence is also damaged at the same time , there would be no cover for the damage to the wall under this section of the policy .
4 Suppose I suggest to you that we stop part of your wages to help pay for the damage to the china and to Mrs Darrell 's dignity , and you promise to be good in future ? ’
5 As far as property damage is concerned , the provisions are really aimed at the consumer market , so , if you buy a home computer as a Christmas present for your uncle and because of a fault it catches fire and causes £1,500 of damage to his house , then your uncle will have a claim under the 1987 Act against the manufacturer of the computer for the damage to the house and furniture .
6 The teenager was ordered to pay £54.34 compensation for the damage to the car .
7 The important point is what it means for the settlement to the environment of North Yorkshire .
8 When John Bull , the great musician , asked for the reversion to the lease of Radnor Forest , the officer in attendance noted that the Queen was disposed to grant it but wanted more information first .
9 In 1589 Richard Lane asked for the reversion to the post of attorney in the Court of Requests , having acted as deputy in the office for eighteen or nineteen years .
10 A couple of weeks later , just as most of the officers and men of the Allied Screening Commission in Verona were preparing to go off for the weekend to the country , an enormous , chauffeur-driven Fiat motor car with a flag on the front of it rolled up in the drive .
11 Stoppages called by the unions on May 8 , 14 , 17 and 20 for improvements in pay and conditions were strategically timed for the run-up to the local elections .
12 This provides easy access for the public to the historic Roslin Glen .
13 Then the couple entered the carriage , lined with white satin and drawn by eight bays , for the return to the Tuileries .
14 The Palestinians are now calling for the return to the area of 4 million Palestinian people from the diaspora .
15 Any member not in receipt of a ballot paper for the election to the vacancy on the Women Chemists Committee , and who wishes to place a vote , can obtain one from M. Mackenzie , RSC , Thomas Graham House , Science Park , Milton Road , Cambridge CB4 4WF ; tel : 223 420066 .
16 The scene for the election to the Constitutional Convention was formally set by the British Government when it published its White Paper " The Northern Ireland Constitution " ( see above page 8 ) which was almost immediately followed by the passing of the Northern Ireland Act 1974 on 17 July .
17 Valmontone — the castle with its lands , the palace and houses — was purchased in 1207 and ten days later Manases did homage for the fief to the papal chamberlain , Stephen of Fossanova .
18 It seems to be a rough trading account for the year to the thirty-first of March 1894 . ’
19 The forecasts are for the year to the first half of 1991 , during which the bulk of the gdp fall took place .
20 Production assets are depleted by field on a unit of production method , in the proportion of actual production for the year to the total estimated remaining commercial reserves of the field on an entitlement basis .
21 The following details the estimated production overhead expenses for the year to the 31 December l9X2 :
22 Figures in the annual report show his total package of £3,290,474 for the year to the end of March , compared with £653,886 for the previous 12 months , which included relocation expenses and an annual bonus of £69,160 .
23 UPTON & Southern , the Middlesbrough shops and property group listed on the Stock Exchange , yesterday saw its pre-tax loss for the year to the end of January 1992 double from last year 's £1.4m .
24 Before exceptional items , Kingfisher also topped the profits forecast made at the time of its French acquisition , Darty , turning in £234.4 million before tax for the year to the end of January , an increase of 5.7 per cent .
25 G. and I trek round to the sampling point for the discharge to the canal for the cooling water , which is when we see the plant is closed .
26 SOCIAL worker David Jenkins has been appointed by the Essex Voluntary Association for the Blind to the new post of director .
27 None of them looked back to see what happened but galloped for the interchange to the Central Line .
28 ‘ I can hear him breathing , ’ said Albert again , making for the door to the stairs .
29 I saw Yet drag himself up , eyes charged with fear , and make for the door to the lower regions .
30 Pub landlord John Payne , 47 , who joined a dozen regulars for the trip to the Black Sheep Brewery in Masham , North Yorks , said : ‘ We would n't have gone if we had realised .
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