Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] which [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Bureaucracies are often credited with a monopoly of expertise which place them in a superior position to lay politicians .
2 inherit , preserve and pass on a tradition … they engender modes of life , habits of thought and standards of judgement which render them centres of resistance to crude forces which threaten steady and peaceful evolution …
3 And in France , Irigarayan psychoanalysts attained a degree of visibility which led them to appear , for a short period and to some people , as the whole French women 's liberation movement ( Turkle 1979 , Moi 1987 ) .
4 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
5 If one may suspend conscience , and forget the conditions and costs of labour which allowed them to create this wealth , then these streets — as they do in London and Edinburgh , and still to be seen in Dublin — define the comfort of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century middle classes .
6 Firms are assumed to have unbounded capacity for working out strategies and payoffs , and for working through the abstract chains of reasoning which lead them to non-co-operative equilibrium strategies .
7 Although all felt that they had found a means of living which enabled them to be open to this reality , they nevertheless say that it was experienced as a gift and a grace beyond anything that could be achieved by conscious effort .
8 A local authority issued a compulsory purchase order on a house and a notice of entry which enabled them to take over the premises after 14 days .
9 The relatively high completion rates for the ‘ Other NSEs ’ reflects the fact that this includes students with ‘ professional , nursing , technical or secretarial qualifications ’ The pattern which emerges is that students who have been selected on the basis of success in some form of study which prepares them for the demands which will be placed on them in higher education respond as least as well if not better than the traditionally qualified A-level entrants , while those with less evidence of success of this kind find the transition to higher education difficult and are more likely to drop-out .
10 Although these types of data are always mentioned as sources for sociological enquiry there is really only one major piece of research which used them , this being Thomas and Znaniecki 's study of the Polish peasant .
11 They then wheeled in unison into a shaft of light which held them for a second or so before they soared over the car and away .
12 When designed in a holistic way by the disabled person , the package of assistance which enables them to do so is no more expensive than the service-based alternative .
13 For around £5 each , DIY shops sell locks to fit any kind of window which makes them impossible to open without the right key .
14 For all that we have said about the role of the country districts round — which applies as much to northern as to Italian cities — and the close relation , however ambivalent , of religious aspirations and the development of towns , it is in the end their place in the accumulation of wealth which marks them out in this age : they are at once the symbols and the centres of mammon ; in them gathered the moneyers who struck coin and the merchants who exchanged and accumulated it .
15 Early air travellers often flew for adventure , not just speed , and some travellers today , who do not have to cram a two-week break into a busy year , have gone back to earlier forms of transport which give them a far sharper sense of going places .
16 The Victorians , of course , for all their virtues , had an edge of prudery which made them condemn in public that which they were busy practising in private .
17 Their movements are graceful and controlled , their minds are quick and clever with an intensity and depth of insight which makes them seem fey and strange to other races .
18 Religious language provided women with a powerful critique of male sexuality , a language of outrage which gave them their means of representation into the male world of public political debate .
19 It seems to me , if a literary critic may be allowed a comment on these linguistic matters , that the function of the first- and second-person pronouns is rather to relate two people , to set up a plane of relationship which includes them and excludes all others .
20 Neil , as it happens , is himself a committed Scot , but the Scottish-based executives say that it is not the current incumbent of that post , but the fact that the regional directorate enjoys ultimate power of veto which worries them .
21 Some Greeks admired Persian methods ( p. 18 ) ; even Plato , who thought that Persians suffered , as from a disease , from an excess of tyranny which made them congenitally weak , could call their empire a ‘ solidly based system ’ ( Laws 685 where the reference is to Persia ) .
22 It is from some of these 400 that the letters come protesting innocence — and if they often ramble and are poorly expressed , that is indicative of a lack of education which made them vulnerable to manipulation in the first place .
23 The fellowships , two per year , were established to enable Headteachers in Lothian to research an aspect of education which interested them by giving them time free of school commitments .
24 I think it is important to reassert the depths of support for such measures in Scotland and , more generally , for the principles of welfare which underpin them and stand in such sharp comparison to attitudes south of the Border .
25 I think it is important to reassert the depths of support for such measures in Scotland and , more generally , for the principles of welfare which underpin them and stand in such sharp comparison to attitudes south of the Border .
26 The self-abnegation of Friends , emptying themselves the better to be filled by the Light Within , did not then necessarily exclude the pursuit of righteousness in the world ; equally , in the outlook of growing numbers of Quakers in the early nineteenth century , this stance could merge with a stress on the experience of grace which aligned them with evangelicals .
27 They accumulate abnormal amounts of sugar which causes them to swell during development .
28 Scientism is a not-unattractive doctrine , and was especially so to a rising professional middle-class who associated with it theories of eugenics and of mankind which gave them a pleasing sense of class and racial superiority ; but in the later nineteenth century there was no reason to anticipate these darker sides of progress .
29 But the pay of their employees is an expense which reduces profits , not a source of demand which realizes them .
30 Their work was hampered when a large boulder blocking their way was moved , resulting in a further fall of shale which took them several hours to remove .
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