Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] at [det] time " in BNC.

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1 The first group continue to contribute to the health care of the nation but the second and third are a target for re-employment at some time .
2 Accurate and detailed accounts need to be kept and these should be open for inspection at any time by governors and members of the organising committee with a financial statement presented at an annual meeting .
3 Or are we seeing an indication that some inner processes of preparation for loss at this time of life have come into play ?
4 You 're not far off , it 's about one and a half million , the D S S tell us , could be off work at any time for up a month .
5 Turning her head slightly she looked at the cut-glass decanter on the bedside table — it was a little less than half full , which meant that she had drunk three … no , four glasses of whisky at some time during the night .
6 Will was writing a different kind of play at this time .
7 Their age , education , and strength of partisanship at that time .
8 There is archaeological evidence for such management of woodland at this time from Barton Court Farm ( Oxfordshire ) ( Robinson 1981 ) .
9 Stated weekly alcohol intakes of 36 units or more were regarded as excessive , but all cases with high intake had other social or biochemical evidence of damage at some time .
10 Of course at that time we did n't realise she 'd done it on purpose .
11 Aye well of course at that time , in nineteen forty eight , I was detached I mean I I did n't know much about the management 's thinking , or their pronouncements .
12 And of course at this time of the year I would guess the people responsible for writing references get hundreds of requests , not just for universities but for polytechnics and other colleges of , of higher education .
13 They involve quite substantial amounts of money at any time for a task which we consider has been especially well done , usually , in fairness , further than we would expect just for the execution of the job .
14 Erm and er I 've felt that same sense of rightness at many times over these years , this is now our thirty seventh year ?
15 This is followed by a description of the shortcomings of provision at that time , a statement of aims and objectives and a projection for how these were to be achieved against the background of the staff , PTA and governing body involvement described earlier , and the investment of £5,000 from 1982/83 capitation in refurbishing .
16 This ability was sharpened by these players ' meetings , which were a unique feature of football at this time .
17 On his release from prison in 1985 , Gusty Spence , the leader of the Shankill UVF and the man convicted of the Malvern St murder , was asked about Paisley 's role and he was frankly dismissive : ‘ I have no time for Paisley 's type of religious fervour or his politics but he had no involvement in re-forming the UVF though he stirred up a lot of tension at that time for his own ends . ’
18 Even after the event Macmillan seemed unable to understand the reasons for Eisenhower 's fundamental opposition to the use of force at that time .
19 The solution requires a reassessment of the nature of Toryism at this time ; rather than seeing the Tories as royal absolutists , it is better to see them as conservative legal-constitutionalists , deeply committed to the rule of law and the Anglican Church .
20 Such haste inevitably resulted in cursory recording being a characteristic of research at this time , which is particularly regrettable in Faussett 's case because of the scale of his activities in Kent .
21 She wore a great deal of make-up at all times , but that day , perhaps just as primitive man might have painted his face as a protection , she was garnished with particularly bright eye colours and lipstick , so that it was a little garish mask staring at the two policemen .
22 ability to develop a fuller understanding of rape at that time ( 1978 ) was the very fact that we are lesbians .
23 Hence the Communication Research Centre , of which I was a sort of caretaker at that time , was conveniently regarded as an embryonic Linguistics Department .
24 As detailed in earlier chapters , governors should be involved in the School 's Development Plan which must lay out both short-term aims and longer-term objectives in priority order but with an inbuilt degree of flexibility , should circumstances dictate a change of plan at any time .
25 I was struck by the fact that no one referred to how enjoyable it is to drink alcohol and that no one mentioned that in our culture it is absolutely normal to consume alcohol to excess on some occasions and that most people will have experienced the effects of over-indulgence at some time .
26 The young and feisty Armour did n't much care for what she thought of as the anglicised overlay of GSA at that time .
27 Since the number of visitors to the Exhibition Room is noted as a matter of routine at all times of the year , in theory no special effort had to be made to record the number of potential respondents .
28 Severe winter conditions create much hardship for the isolated Settle–Carlisle line and the railway provides the only reliable form of transport at such times .
29 The province of Surrey , most recently under the control of King Ecgberht appears to have passed under the domination of Wulfhere at this time .
30 Literary celebrations of nature at this time invariably referred to cultivated , pastoral landscapes ( Serpell , 1986 ) .
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