Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The first group continue to contribute to the health care of the nation but the second and third are a target for re-employment at some time .
2 Accurate and detailed accounts need to be kept and these should be open for inspection at any time by governors and members of the organising committee with a financial statement presented at an annual meeting .
3 Or are we seeing an indication that some inner processes of preparation for loss at this time of life have come into play ?
4 One is for Flowers for the Altar , one for St. Anthony which is given to the poor who come looking for help at various times of the day and night , and the third is for Sending a Sick Child to Lourdes , the cost of which is approximately £350 .
5 You 're not far off , it 's about one and a half million , the D S S tell us , could be off work at any time for up a month .
6 Turning her head slightly she looked at the cut-glass decanter on the bedside table — it was a little less than half full , which meant that she had drunk three … no , four glasses of whisky at some time during the night .
7 Will was writing a different kind of play at this time .
8 Some residents use more than one type of support at different times , depending on how they are feeling .
9 Their age , education , and strength of partisanship at that time .
10 There is archaeological evidence for such management of woodland at this time from Barton Court Farm ( Oxfordshire ) ( Robinson 1981 ) .
11 If in doubt , the developer should check the levels of noise at different times and make enquiries with local people .
12 There were concerns about er that type of building at one time but er d' ya think it is quite suitable for Orkney ?
13 Stated weekly alcohol intakes of 36 units or more were regarded as excessive , but all cases with high intake had other social or biochemical evidence of damage at some time .
14 Of course at that time we did n't realise she 'd done it on purpose .
15 Aye well of course at that time , in nineteen forty eight , I was detached I mean I I did n't know much about the management 's thinking , or their pronouncements .
16 Er but erm that was er the Baron 's house of course at one time in the eighteen , early eighteen hundreds .
17 And of course at this time of the year I would guess the people responsible for writing references get hundreds of requests , not just for universities but for polytechnics and other colleges of , of higher education .
18 They involve quite substantial amounts of money at any time for a task which we consider has been especially well done , usually , in fairness , further than we would expect just for the execution of the job .
19 Erm and er I 've felt that same sense of rightness at many times over these years , this is now our thirty seventh year ?
20 This is followed by a description of the shortcomings of provision at that time , a statement of aims and objectives and a projection for how these were to be achieved against the background of the staff , PTA and governing body involvement described earlier , and the investment of £5,000 from 1982/83 capitation in refurbishing .
21 This ability was sharpened by these players ' meetings , which were a unique feature of football at this time .
22 On his release from prison in 1985 , Gusty Spence , the leader of the Shankill UVF and the man convicted of the Malvern St murder , was asked about Paisley 's role and he was frankly dismissive : ‘ I have no time for Paisley 's type of religious fervour or his politics but he had no involvement in re-forming the UVF though he stirred up a lot of tension at that time for his own ends . ’
23 Even after the event Macmillan seemed unable to understand the reasons for Eisenhower 's fundamental opposition to the use of force at that time .
24 The solution requires a reassessment of the nature of Toryism at this time ; rather than seeing the Tories as royal absolutists , it is better to see them as conservative legal-constitutionalists , deeply committed to the rule of law and the Anglican Church .
25 Such haste inevitably resulted in cursory recording being a characteristic of research at this time , which is particularly regrettable in Faussett 's case because of the scale of his activities in Kent .
26 The heights of accumulation at known time intervals are measured by optical micrometer and the particle sizes calculated from these figures .
27 She wore a great deal of make-up at all times , but that day , perhaps just as primitive man might have painted his face as a protection , she was garnished with particularly bright eye colours and lipstick , so that it was a little garish mask staring at the two policemen .
28 ability to develop a fuller understanding of rape at that time ( 1978 ) was the very fact that we are lesbians .
29 He said a clear example was the price of wheat which had increased four fold for the farmer but was now in a loaf of bread at ten times more in the shops .
30 Hence the Communication Research Centre , of which I was a sort of caretaker at that time , was conveniently regarded as an embryonic Linguistics Department .
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