Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] by [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He points to some of the planned sessions which together constitute a ‘ business stream ’ , beginning with an opening session which , he says , ‘ starts on the basis of , forget IT , what are the critical success factors of your business ? ’ , and is then followed on the next day by looking at how to manage for change by establishing an IT corporate policy .
2 These relations or ties organize and , to some extent create a text , for instance by requiring the reader to interpret words and expressions by reference to other words and expressions in the surrounding sentences and paragraphs .
3 A better understanding of the toxin 's mode of action at the molecular level could lead to other strategies to circumvent resistance , for instance by redesigning the target-selecting region of the toxins .
4 For instance by encouraging an active interest in the environment in which we live , and by supporting groups or promoting cleaner technology , less pollution and less waste , we 're ensuring the quality of life for future generations , and also the potential for future business opportunities .
5 One possibility is to ignore the part of the award of damages which exceeds the amount exempt from tax under the ‘ golden handshake ’ rules , for instance by expressing the exempt amount ( currently £30,000 ) as an annual income over the unexpired period of the contract , estimating what the tax would be on that imaginary income and deducting that tax from the total compensation .
6 They may also be expressed syntactically , for instance by manipulating the order of elements in a clause to indicate certain relations between the elements or the function of the clause ( cf. the difference between the order of elements in a statement and a question in English : She had forgotten about the party .
7 A restructured CAP must a ] so take account of the interests of the Third World , for instance by reducing the production of the sugar cane substitutes which reduce exports from many poorer countries .
8 Physical methods of estimating substances , for instance by measuring the absorption or emission of light at specific wavelengths , all increased the power , speed , and sensitivity of investigations .
9 Making the necessary adjustments , for instance by adding the gender dimension in the target text ( English table : French la/une table ) is usually straightforward and automatic because the distinctions themselves are largely arbitrary .
10 We believe we are close to this point and we are working with the Ministry of Defence to obtain true value for money by providing a secure future workload . ’
11 In keeping with the emerging philosophy of the NHS , there was a concern to obtain better value for money by encouraging a ‘ market ’ amongst management development suppliers .
12 The aim is greater value for money by improving the efficiency and effectiveness with which departments deliver policies , programmes and service .
13 Others are not — such as adding to the cost of employment during recession by raising the amount workers and companies contribute to unemployment insurance .
14 When the marsh has built up to an elevation such that it is covered only by the highest tides , it is usually reclaimed for pasture by building a simple embankment around it .
15 We will increase the number of homes for rent by establishing a Housing Bank to facilitate the balanced use of councils ' capital receipts and offer investment capital at attractive rates of interest .
16 As Lord Devlin has explained : " … you can not escape liability for defamation by putting the libel behind a prefix such as " I have been told that … " " or " it is rumoured that … " " , and then asserting that it was true that you had been told or that it was in fact being rumoured …
17 Steve Tshwete , himself a former flanker and now the ANC 's chief of sport , told RW&P in an exclusive interview to be published next month , that sportsmen would be expected to ‘ take the field wearing armbands and stickers on their kits showing their commitment to peace and democracy in South Africa ’ and to ‘ show their support for out struggle by visiting the scene of the Boipatong massacre ’ .
18 Show its structure as dialogue by inserting a ‘ ghost ’ question between each clause .
19 We have already touched on the challenge which the beginnings of modern historical study posed for theology by questioning a certain understanding of the authority of the Bible .
20 French policy sought to create a substitute for independence by designating the protectorates of former French Indo-China , and subsequently Cochin China , as associated states within the French Union .
21 Interviewers first decided whether a situation was eligible for inclusion by using a set of highly developed criteria provided for them .
22 An alternative explanation lies in Dr Mahatir 's ‘ look East ’ policy , designed to break away — finally and for ever — from the colonial past and to speed up the pace of change by harnessing the vitality of Japanese firms .
23 It sets out to achieve its objective of protection by promoting the kind of policies and practices which it believes would enable the rural environment to be utilised and developed for the good of society without destroying aesthetic and spiritual beauty , and by opposing other policies and practices which in its view would have such an effect .
24 Normally , purchasers will achieve these three levels of protection by using the methods described below : ( 1 ) Due diligence. ( 2 ) Warranties and indemnities. ( 3 ) Restrictive covenants .
25 He 'd done something like it before , he 'd tried to purge himself of privilege by becoming a tramp , descending among the down-and-outs of London and Paris .
26 Thus , shortly after the Electricity Act received the royal assent , in September 1947 , Attlee appointed Gaitskell as Minister in his place , and it therefore fell to him to carry through the Government 's work of nationalisation by completing the appointments to the Boards and the working out of the new relationship of Ministry and BEA .
27 It was left to Unix System Labs to step in a few weeks later and take the reins of ANDF by licensing the Ten15 technology from DRA , saying it would productise ANDF in a future release of its Unix SVR4.2 operating system ( UX No 390 ) , see front page .
28 God stopped all that of course by sneaking a hurriedly hand-written clause into the back of everyone 's bible in the middle of the night with a silver threepenny bit under everyone 's pillow .
29 We ran this kind of course by asking the teachers at the beginning of the course to select some device they 'd like to make , that they 'd seen the circuit of in a in a school magazine school science review magazine , and then build that .
30 But institutions could compensate for their loss of income by taking a more active role to ensure better performance from the management , which would at least give them the chance of a greater capital gain , so that their total return is unaffected .
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