Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] if a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The death penalty was retained for repeated murders , while a new defence of diminished responsibility , imported from Scotland , allowed a charge of manslaughter to be substituted for murder if a defendant ‘ was suffering from such abnormality of mind … as substantially impaired his mental responsibility for his acts … ‘ .
2 Of course if a number of horses are being fed in a paddock , their feedbins should be spaced well apart and there should be one for every horse .
3 P&P Plc has quickly found a buyer for its volume computer distribution business which should mean that it can reverse at least a part of the £8.9m provision it took against its most recent figures to cover costs of closure if a buyer could not be found .
4 If such mutations should occur in the CAG cluster of the N-Oct 3 gene it might easily lead to loss of function by aberrantly expanding the bona fide transcription activation domain , or to loss of DNA-binding if a frame shift is introduced .
5 One possible reason could be that in addition to a general sense of guilt associated with the organs of sex and reproduction , there is the added fact that most surrogate mothers belong to the economically disadvantaged classes ; and it is arguably a case of exploitation if a woman is driven to use her reproductive organs to escape from a state of poverty .
6 Speed and distance from the road edge probably would n't make a lot of difference if a landmine was detonated as they went by , but doing it makes everyone feel better .
7 For example , the lord was entitled to payment on succession of land to an heir , and to the right of escheat if a tenant died without an heir , which meant that land reverted to him .
8 The mouth may be in need of care if a person has suffered from one or more of the following :
9 The use of earplugs can simulate the effect , and help one to appreciate the implications for safety if a person does not hear the whistle of the boiling kettle , or the sound of a pot of food boiling over , or the noise of approaching traffic .
10 A minimum safe speed for most gliders is the minimum cruising speed , but this is only safe at height , where there is time for recovery if a stall occurs .
11 For example , some bonds might not pay coupons at all ( such bonds are called zero-coupon bonds , and they sell at a deep discount to their par values since all the reward from holding the bond comes in the form of capital gain rather than income ) ; some bonds make coupon payments that change over time , e.g. because they are linked to current market interest rates ( variable rate bonds or floating rate notes ) or to an index such as the retail price index ( index-linked bonds ) ; and some bonds make coupon payments only if the income generated by the firm that issued the bonds is sufficient , ( such bonds are known as income bonds ; unlike other bond-holders , an income bond-holder can not put the firm into liquidation if a coupon payment is not paid ) .
12 The value of the property will be taken into account if a DSS subsidy is required for private or voluntary care .
13 AN INTERNATIONALLY important wildfowl refuge is threatened with destruction if a bill now before parliament is passed .
14 Section 29 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 ( P. & C.E. Act ) provides that he should be informed at once that he is under arrest if a decision is taken to prevent him leaving at will .
15 Note that modules can only be entered into LIFESPAN if a Design Change ( DC ) is currently Active on the package to which they belong .
16 Length is stored as exact length ±1 , so for example if a word has 5 letters , then bits 4 , 5 and 6 will be set .
17 ( For example if a UK bank has a credit balance in its NOSTRO account , this will be ‘ reflected ’ by a debit balance in the mirror account of the same value ) .
18 For example if a person who has £3,000 capital receives a monthly pension of £200 paid into their bank account , this should not be assessed as an increase in savings unless it remains unspent at the time the next payment is due .
19 At the same time look for referral opportunities , for example if a group hobby has been identified then who does your client do that hobby with ?
20 For example if a baby is receiving 6 hourly bolus doses of morphine , these should continue to be given 6 hourly , but the amount given ( mcg/kg ) should be reduced over two days .
21 The sum may be reduced dramatically in future if a review of the Royal Family 's tax recommends Charles pays 40 per cent tax on his income .
22 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
23 Mr. Tom Andrews , whom I remember as a very old man , had worked at The White Hart Hotel and even in his old age was in demand if a ham had to be sliced for a wedding or similar function .
24 Something similar to this can happen in discussion if a speaker does not want to let another interrupt .
25 Why should the fact that D was engaged on causing damage to property at the time ( even damage to D's own property ) make his conduct into an offence punishable with life imprisonment when , if D were engaged on some other activity , it would not be punishable as such and would only amount to manslaughter if a death happened to be caused ?
26 Assuming that this statement is correct , these testers could prove lethal , and should certainly only be used by competent people with a considerable degree of electrical knowledge ; and they definitely should n't be relied on to check if a circuit is dead .
27 According to folklore if a traveller on horseback leaves a horse needing a new shoe together with a coin , the horse will have been shod when they return to the spot .
28 1.3 However , RSC Ord 38 and CCR Ord 20 are expressed to be subject to the Civil Evidence Act 1968 ( see Appendix B ) under which hearsay evidence in documents can be put in at trial if a party can not call the witness .
29 You may need to remind the Chair of the length of the agenda or the point at issue if a speaker is not keeping to the matter at issue .
30 One argument against d-i-y carpet-laying is the fact that you could be putting your rights as a consumer at risk if a problem arises with the carpet at a later date .
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