Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] if [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For part if the time they had been in support of another Engineer regiment for joint river crossing operations , and on one occasion had carried infantrymen over a one-kilometre-wide stretch of the Weser , using their rigs as landing craft .
2 Concerns about dehydration if the child refuses to drink from any other source keeps these mothers in a state of anxiety and so they capitulate to their child 's demands to continue breastfeeding .
3 The voluntary bodies complained they would be forced to incur unreasonable costs preparing their case for Parliament if the bill was to be withdrawn yet again .
4 It may follow the disappearance or non-appearance of a rash , for instance if the rash of measles fails to develop fully or begins and then disappears .
5 Usually the patient is taken into one of these units for a specified period such as a fortnight , but the time allocated might be indefinite in an emergency , for instance if the carer is ill .
6 Pipe on to paper , if you need to allow the design to dry before being transferred to the cake , or directly on to the cake if this is applicable , for instance if the run-out is to lie flat .
7 In a few cases , the social worker might have to make provision for young children to be given temporary care away from home , for instance if the patient is a single parent without any relatives who could care for the children .
8 A typical formula provides that the parent company will indemnify an expatriate against any loss or expense he may suffer as a result of a breach of contract by the subsidiary , for instance if the employment is terminated before the expiry of a specified fixed term .
9 For instance if the piece is in E ♭ the B ♭ clarinet will be chosen and will play in the key of F ; if the piece is in D ♭ the key of the B ♭ clarinet part will be E ♭ , and so on .
10 For instance if the policyholder is a married man with two young children and the value of the claim is $100 for the family , then to deduct four excesses would mean that the corporation would not make any payment for an incident where the Policyholder thought he had taken out cover .
11 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
12 In some such cases specific protection , in the form of import controls , subsidies or state purchasing , may be justified on socialist grounds , for instance if the industry is a struggling ‘ infant ’ with good future prospects ( ‘ good ’ , that is , in respect of the efficient satisfaction of social need ) , or even a struggling ‘ geriatric ’ which stands a good chance of reviving its fortunes through a thorough re-investment programme .
13 Investors in soon-to-mature MTNs could be first in line for payment if the deal with GE Capital can be pushed through in time .
14 The death penalty was retained for repeated murders , while a new defence of diminished responsibility , imported from Scotland , allowed a charge of manslaughter to be substituted for murder if a defendant ‘ was suffering from such abnormality of mind … as substantially impaired his mental responsibility for his acts … ‘ .
15 The sheriff or bailiff must not account to the execution creditor for fourteen days after sale if the judgment exceeds the prescribed sum ( currently £500 ) because under s 346(3) the sheriff or bailiff is obliged to hand over the proceeds to the official receiver or trustee if a bankruptcy petition is presented within fourteen days of the sale of the goods and a bankruptcy order is subsequently made on that petition .
16 Many Opposition Members have severe doubts about the likelihood of the Secretary of State making orders for the implementation of a pension scheme after privatisation if the scheme introduced by the new owner was unsatisfactory .
17 If you order goods as a private individual from mail order advertisements in this magazine and pay by post in advance of delivery , What Personal Computer will consider you for compensation if the advertiser should become subject to bankruptcy or go into liquidation .
18 If you order goods as a private individual from mail order advertisements in this magazine and pay by post in advance of delivery , What Personal Computer will consider you for compensation if the advertiser should become subject to bankruptcy proceedings or go into liquidation .
19 As trading losses can be carried forward only against profits of the same trade , they will cease to be available for carry-forward if the trade is discontinued .
20 To one resident , at least , the atmosphere was that of a ‘ prison camp ’ ( p. 103 ) , and this was enhanced by the fear of eviction if the miner lost his job .
21 Of course if a number of horses are being fed in a paddock , their feedbins should be spaced well apart and there should be one for every horse .
22 And of course if an individual is fined and does not pay the fine then it is to prison he will go .
23 What is medically certain is that she died of coronary thrombosis : there is no question of any foul play , except of course if the heart attack was brought on by the shock of finding someone in her room stealing the jewel she had come all the way from America to hand over to the Ashmolean Museum , or more specifically to Dr Theodore Kemp on behalf of the Museum .
24 The menacing threat of critical doubt is empty , though of course if the victim thinks that the pistol is loaded , the threat is real enough for him .
25 of course If the forecaster has merely averaged out considerable fluctuations to give an overall steady state that is less useful than a genuine steady state .
26 Practising each of course if the key .
27 Of course if the body 's self-healing power is stronger than the factors causing the disturbance , it will heal itself completely .
28 Thus the more nearly perfect a market is , the stronger is the tendency for the same price to be paid for the same thing at the same time in all parts of the market : but of course if the market is large , allowance must be made for the expense of delivering the goods to different purchasers ; each of whom must be supposed to pay in addition to the market price a special charge on account of delivery .
29 The buyer also should be able to sue on the basis of breach of contract if the item is defective and fails to comply with implied terms such as those concerning merchantable quality and fitness for purpose .
30 It would set up a National Monuments Commission to care for ancient sites , institute small penalties for vandals who damaged them , and — most important — give the commission a right of purchase if the owner of a scheduled monument wanted to destroy it .
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