Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] come [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I did wait for Garry to come back into the fold , what would you be doing ? ’
2 They thought it normal for tea to come out of the fridge or the oven in a tinfoil box with a peel-back lid , although they did remember for weeks afterwards Lucy 's occasional cordon-bleu phases , when the house had been filled with heart-warming smells , and different kinds of food had appeared out of saucepans on top of the oven , and other dishes inside it .
3 However , from time to time the curator 's instinct for identification comes up against scholarly puzzles .
4 ‘ David obviously wrote the songs and everything but I felt a lot of responsibility came on to me at that time , although it was nothing like David 's , ’ he says .
5 Additions to a cluster can of course come about by internal investment in greenfield projects ( such as an accountancy firm starting up its own insolvency practice ) , as well as by acquisition or merger .
6 But it could always of course come in as an odd .
7 erm We had to look for some lower riders and erm Tony Primmer of course comes in at four , which helps us immensely .
8 People who go through any kind of shit come out with a certain sense of humour : it comes from the pain you go through and how you handle it .
9 On all sides : the abolitionists , the retentionists , and the abstainers , the vote was recognized as a momentous one in which the consciences of Members of Parliament came up against a profound issue transcending party politics .
10 The chamber of commerce , the local authority , the trade unions and the Members of Parliament came down to London to see the Secretary of State .
11 I think there 's a day of action coming up on this sort of D I Y stuff .
12 The first of these sets the amount of effect coming in from the JMP 's effects loop — a really good idea and all amps should have this in some form .
13 History has been called the science of the future , so it seems a pity that this body of research comes up with virtually none of the solutions to the problems plaguing the American energy scene .
14 There were no windows and only a trickle of light came in through the door behind him .
15 That 's a lot of light coming in on the back I think .
16 When you have finished your conversation , thank it for its help , and see a shaft of light come out of the sky and illuminate this aspect of your Shadow .
17 When they began to move the flow of blood came back to their stiffened limbs and they felt better .
18 ( It is worth noting in passing that a similar kind of question comes up for dancers as well as singers .
19 The food , and the mud on our wellingtons , and sometimes the faint tang of cordite coming up from the cellar all give me a good , tight , thrilling feel when I think about them .
20 And they really look like it and when you go a load of ash comes out of the end of it .
21 One of the latest pieces of equipment to come out of Europe is the fully automatic beverage centre , which features a unique high-speed , low scale water heater with a revolutionary new pass-through boiler system .
22 Th the strong highlight on the reflection on the water obviously is a thing which makes the picture as , and also the , the sort of rays of sun coming down through the cloud .
23 ‘ Echo ’ is a useful word , for that in a way is what the poem 's metric is based on ; there is no immediate similarity of stanza-form to Bilbo 's song , but once again the ‘ elvish ’ idea of poetry comes through in an unexpected subtlety .
24 erm I have had to do in my work quite a lot of work coming up against that act , so to speak .
25 So the first point is if you 're going to show something show it , let everybody deal with it let everybody look at it then when you 've finished with that turn it off because you want the centre of attention to come back to you , presumably .
26 It may be noted that the outturn figure for the growth of M3 in 1980–81 was in fact 20.1 per cent and the corresponding figure for the PSBR as a percentage of GDP came out at 5.75 per cent .
27 It always feels like an admission of failure to come back from the Continent and have nothing to show for it .
28 No , fair do's , it takes a lot of forethought to come up with that one .
29 The windows are open , with layer upon layer of sound coming out of the forest .
30 This will mean £20bn-worth of sterling coming on to the market to buy foreign currency .
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