Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] by the time " in BNC.

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1 Our young Tominah friend had disappeared by sunset , and it was well after dark by the time Abu returned , together with Ranteallo , jerking about in the front seat like a clownish version of his own Tau-Tau .
2 It was after midnight by the time he was able to continue his journey .
3 It was after noon by the time we actually got sorted , much to the annoyance of the lady from the Public Relations company who had hired us .
4 Nor was there proper central control over the building and maintenance of fortifications , many of which were sadly out-of-date or in bad need of repair by the time that the English began to invade France .
5 The carcass , unfortunately , was in quite an advanced state of decomposition by the time we got to it , so we could not look at the detailed histology ( cell structure ) of the internal organs or the central nervous system .
6 ‘ You 'll be quite a good sort of person by the time you return from the Future , supposing you do return , of course , because I did n't like the sound of that spell , did you ?
7 We were in a mild state of shock by the time we arrived at the bottom .
8 He was out of breath by the time he had canted her back , ground her round , settled the chair on the rough track again .
9 But once Naas Botha equalised in kind , the tourists edged ahead and were out of sight by the time Danie Gerber scored their fourth try in the last minute .
10 They proved almost useless , for the ebb and flow of the fighting hindered the collection of accurate information , and such as was gleaned was usually out of date by the time of its transmission .
11 We emphasis that the information available at press date may become out of date by the time of publication , but we believe that this will apply only if additional deployments are announced or revealed .
12 The aim was to improve on the situation inbuilt in manual systems whereby information is sampled at intervals and may be several weeks out of date by the time it has been assembled .
13 Those rates may be completely out of date by the time a statement of the special damages claimed is drawn up , and even more so by the time the action is tried .
14 Those calculations might be out of date by the time the application is made .
15 The historical analysis also charts trends in the degree of consensus of approach existing between the parties , highlighting an increased level of agreement by the time of the second direct elections to the European Parliament in 1984 .
16 You 'll have a lot of headache by the time I 've finished .
17 It was near midnight by the time he rejoined me .
18 The West German leader , far from seeking to slow down the process leading to monetary union , said the treaty revision should be agreed by the end of 1991 and put into force by the time the EC single market was completed at the end of 1992 .
19 Sam Somerville and Duncan McCrea were pale with fear by the time the call ended .
20 If the buses came as far as Clifton Road it would be alright but any further away and people would have practically walked into town by the time they got to the nearest bus stop . ’
21 Her body was still damp and the garment was too tight , so she was pink with exertion by the time she had managed to zip it up .
22 Sara 's legs were trembling with exhaustion by the time she reached the stables .
23 It made him feel sick and he was grey with misery by the time he walked into the school playground .
24 A new bus garage would then be built on the cleared site and would have to be ready for use by the time the trams in Croydon were abandoned .
25 There is also information on where the local topos/guides can be bought ( that is assuming they are still in stock by the time you get there ) .
26 The " anarchist Prince " , Petr Kropotkin , who was a boy in the Corps des Pages in the late 1850s and a revolutionary in exile by the time the reign ended , thought Alexander suffered from a split personality : " two different men lived in him , both strongly developed , struggling with each other …
27 The West Germans want the revision of the Rome Treaty and national parliamentary endorsement of an EC central bank and other institutions to be in place by the time of the next European Parliament elections — in June 1994 .
28 It will be valuable if our definitive document could be in place by the time FRS 3 comes into force on 22 June 1993 .
29 That change might be in place by the time Pakistan visit West Indies this winter .
30 Most of the mare basins were in place by the time Mare Serenitatis was filled with lava ( Table 6.1 ) .
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