Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [was/were] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Limited though the desire for Unity was in the Labour Party , both the Communists and the ILP were anxious to take advantage of it .
2 5 of the bulls up for auction were from the Lower Hope estate near Leominster .
3 A note blaming social services chiefs for ignoring their plea for help was on the dashboard .
4 If the Minister for Sport was on the Treasury Bench , I would ask him — instead , I ask all hon. Members and the country — what is going on when the general secretary of the Central Council of Physical Recreation puts his name and that of his organisation to a positive argument in favour of tobacco sponsorship in sport ?
5 The inter-war years saw a good deal of activity in North Shields by the local branch of the National Unemployed Workers Movement ( NUWM ; see CDP , 1978 ) , whose main base of support was on the Meadowell .
6 As I took my place with two jamjars in my first Saturday morning kids matinee queue , apprehensive lest the currency had been devalued or even replaced with money , I observed that not only were Royals the heroes in the films but that my choice of cinema was between the Queens and the Royal , and I was warned that before the performance you were supposed to stand for the pianist 's rendition of ‘ God Save the King ’ .
7 While we 're at it , and since the Teesdale village of Woodland was in the news on Monday , why is the most prominent of its two pubs called The Edge ?
8 I could hear boulders grinding on the river bed and the grumble of thunder was like the sound of distant gunfire .
9 His first tour of inspection was at the Ashmolean museum .
10 The go-ahead was given subject to a ‘ weather window ’ to treat one block as a trail because , to the surprise of all involved the largest concentration of woodlice were in the roof under the roof tiles .
11 Scorn has been poured upon the excessive mourning practised by Victorians , to which even their children and servants were subjected ; but it should be recalled that the badge of mourning was like the tartan of a Highland clan : it symbolised solidarity .
12 Thus in the period when Labour was still in opposition in the early part of the war — September 1939 to May 1940 — there were twenty-one by-elections , but only six Labour candidates were put up and they of course were for the previously Labour-held seats : two of these were unopposed and the other four faced candidates of fringe groups , who did not poll well .
13 Financier and former model die in mystery explosion was the headline at the time — and the emphasis of course was on the ‘ former model ’ .
14 I 'll go straight into er item two A I think the first thing the County Council would would wish to say this erm examination is that er today we are really seeing the culmination of I suspect er ten year work erm in Greater York by the Greater York authority and a particularly intensive period of work over the last five years , er by the Greater York authorities , the paper that I put round N Y five the matter two A really addresses the history and why we reached the conclusions corporately that we have and as all as we 've already indicated erm progress was able to be made when the Secretary of State included a Greater York er dimension erm into the er into the structure plan in a the first alteration , erm and that enabled a body of work to be undertaken by the Greater York authority , and I think I ought to say at this point that the Greater York authority comprises of the County Council er and five District Councils , and there you have six different councils , all with an interest in the future of Greater York , sitting down together , trying to sort out the way in which the future of Greater York erm ought ought to be developed , and the means they did it did that of course was through the Greater York study , which began in nineteen eighty eight and started off immediately with a study of forty , fifty development , potential development sites , erm in and around er er Greater York which produced a report , as I said in on page three of the of N Y five , around about April nineteen eighty nine , the conclusions of which were quite clearly unacceptable to erm members of the Greater York authority , because they saw quite clearly , and they were supported by the public in this , that to continue peripheral development , which had been the pattern of development in the Greater York area , erm certainly through the sixties and seventies er was unacceptable in terms of its impact on settlements , and particularly er its impact erm on erm erm the York greenbelt which still at that stage erm had yet to be made statutory , and that was again one of the main stimuli to making progress , the need to s formally define er the York greenbelt .
15 and my Lord you 'll of noticed that in paragraph erm er thirty er they talk about the importance of taking the community interest into account and have proper guarantees and in this instance overleaf on page five , forty four , er they talk about the financial risk to the community , this of course was in the agricultural
16 The most recent of course was within the memory of many of today 's crews and supporters , the loss of The Dutchess of Kent in January 1970 with just one survivor from her crew of six .
17 THE WHIFF of intrigue was in the air at Twerton Park .
18 The Court of Appeal ruled that outside s.2(1) the question of dishonesty was for the jury applying " the current standards of ordinary decent people " .
19 The Victorian worship of money was on the wax , and houses were an outward expression of what you were worth and how fashionable was your taste .
20 Already she could see their faces , the faces of the fucking bloody middle class , when the subject of money was on the agenda .
21 Perhaps the only two successful threats of action were by the water-workers in 1983 and the NUM over the Coal Board 's threat to close uneconomic pits in January 1981 .
22 In conference with Gerald Gardiner , subsequently Lord Chancellor , who had somewhat late in the day raised his flag as a member of the Labour Party , it was decided that the best course of action was for the Labour Party to be asked to be represented by Gardiner at the Vassall Tribunal and to inform Radcliffe that it had no additional witness to come to him .
23 The revival of industry was at the heart of Mr Lamont 's Autumn Statement .
24 The main areas of fighting were in the north-western provinces of Battambang ( especially in the Sisophon area ) , Banteay Meanchey and Siem Reap-Oddar Meanchey ( especially around Chikreng ) , but the guerrillas , dominated militarily by the Khmer Rouge component , also claimed victories in Kampot and Kompong Speu in the south and in the central provinces of Kompong Chhnang and Kompong Thom , especially around Kompong Svay and Stoung .
25 It is not easy to reach a general conclusion on how valuable the process of appraisal was in the school as a whole .
26 The worst rates of loss were in the Welsh steel making counties of West Glamorgan ( -31.4 per cent ) and Clwyd ( -27.7 per cent ) , followed by Strathclyde ( 26.6 per cent ) , Merseyside ( -24.2 per cent ) and Durham ( -23.8 per cent ) .
27 In the ninth and tenth centuries the financial aspect of feudalism was on the whole less important than the military .
28 He agreed that a regrettable lack of foresight was at the root of it , but he felt that there were extenuating circumstances , and he seemed resolved to do something about it , in so far as he could .
29 However , there seems no doubt that slavery as a mode of exploitation was on the decline in Latin America , even before it was abolished , and that the economic case against this form of labour appeared increasingly strong after 1850 .
30 The development plans which they produced in the first decade of independence were for the most part competent , well thought out and well presented .
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