Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb base] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Health and Medical Organisations : All the leading British and international medical and health organisations that have studied the problem of smoking have called for a total ban by legislation on the promotion of tobacco .
2 If , however , Gavin had stomped in and told her she was a piece of shit , would the audience with the Goddess Of Tedium have lasted for more than one sentence ?
3 Programmes of Study require re-write for all targets .
4 Understanding of figures and a modicum of research seem called for .
5 In some respects they use new language and embody in a formal text rules that have not been specified in that way before ; this has indeed been the way the laws of war have developed for 150 years .
6 It will quickly be recognised that on matters of fact and challenges to the exercise of discretion leave to apply for judicial review will be refused .
7 According to these sources , the Pope and the Secretariat of State intend to push for a firm public commitment to legalisation by Mr Gorbachev when he visits Italy and the Vatican at the end of November .
8 In 1896 , the minutes state ‘ that seven owners of property have applied for a supply of water from the Railway Company , which will necessitate the laying of 230 yards of 3 ’ cast iron main at an estimated cost of £55 , and there are several more houses along the proposed extension of the main which will probably soon want a supply' .
9 Much of the comparative analysis of tenure and mobility has been based on US experience where an average worker aged 55 would , for example have worked for 10 different firms compared to only four in Japan .
10 Males in nature do compete for females , in diverse ways : obvious physical fighting , and subtle invisible competition among sperms within the female reproductive system .
11 Some young people in care have voiced for a long time their preference for residential rather than fostering care ( Page and Clark , 1977 ) .
12 If it is on paper allow to dry for at least 48 hours before carefully peeling off the paper and transferring the run-out to the cake .
13 To my mind , the major contribution of econometrics to our understanding of advertising so far has been to establish the relatively marginal effect of advertising expenditure level changes in comparison with price changes : typically , price movements relative to competition seem to account for as much as 70–80 per cent of the changes in brand shares in a market .
14 ‘ When you get back to bed try to sleep for a bit .
15 Parliament could by legislation have provided for the revocation or variation of an injunction , but did not do so in section 39 .
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