Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb past] through the " in BNC.

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1 It is now estimated that about twenty kilograms of uranium escaped through the pile chimneys , posing a risk even greater than that from the short-lived 1957 accident .
2 In the Senate in the same year 9 per cent of funding came through the parties , 62 per cent from individual contributions and 19 per cent through political action committees .
3 A soundless cry parted her lips and her body arched , instinctively seeking his , but when his hand lifted to unfasten the neck of her shift and she heard a sharp , tearing sound a shaft of fear lanced through the delirium , wrenching her abruptly into full wakefulness .
4 The reputation of the new drugs had preceded them and a ripple of optimism ran through the sanatorium , though Doctor Staples had been careful to stress that they were still in the experimental stage .
5 A gust of wind howled through the patio , lifted the edge of a tablecloth and dumped the contents of the drink-laden table on the floor .
6 It must be late , there was an eerie splash of light , a bar across the taps and the edge of the table — the moon had moved to the gap between the two houses opposite , to a position where a finger of light came through the kitchen window .
7 Before the financial axe fell in 1976 , occasional shafts of light shone through the darkening sky : the old women 's prison at Holloway was demolished and replaced on the same site by a completely new prison stressing medical supervision ; whilst at Grendon Underwood the Prison Service pioneered a special establishment for the treatment and management of mentally abnormal offenders who had been sentenced to imprisonment .
8 Five inches of snow fell through the night .
9 Later , inside the hut , the first rays of sun shone through the birch-bark roof , lighting it up like red cellophane and tinting the loose pine-needles on the floor the colour of ripe apricots .
10 A ripple of laughter went through the staff , but it was silenced instantly with a look from him .
11 There was also a custom by which a boy at his first harvest under the old system of farming went through the ordeal of First Nail or Shoeing the Colt .
12 Tealtaoich paused again and stood waiting and a murmur of approval went through the others .
13 ‘ £221,000 worth of business came through the Stornoway office this month . ’
14 Towards dusk a ripple of colour fled through the summer woodland , a widening band of golden brown sweeping through the green .
15 Torrents of water sluiced through the stands , drowning pitch , players and spectators .
16 The light of water showed through the tree trunks as they drew close to the narrow wood along the lake but once on the fringe of the trees they lost all resentment at the sight of the thick floor of bluebells beneath the trees .
17 A wave of shock went through the hall .
18 Then the pack of zander went through the swim and as they went by I took fish of 6lb 8oz , 8lb0oz , 8lb 6oz , 5lb 15oz and l0lb 11oz as fast as I could reel them in and then they were gone .
19 A tendril of smoke lazed through the air from a cigarette .
20 It was a warm day , the noise of traffic came through the slightly open window .
21 On the Dock duty , too , temptations were easy , collaboration possible , but sanctions punitive , as a pot-pourri of traffic tumbled through the gate .
22 A frisson of concern ran through the staff when it was discovered that items have only been routinely fumigated against pathogens since the 1950s .
23 As they spoke , sounds of music came through the evening air from the village .
24 Outside , more knife-like pieces of glass flew through the narrow streets in the heart of Bombay 's business quarter .
25 Outside , more knife-like pieces of glass flew through the narrow streets in the heart of Bombay 's business quarter .
26 Their preference was understandable , for Till was in flood , spreading in lead-grey pools across the water-meadows , and flashing suddenly into silver when fitful gleams of sunshine broke through the mask of cloud overhead .
27 Balor gave a last bubbling cry and a sudden ripple of triumph went through the Trees as the farthest of the Oaks pulled free an arm and held it aloft , a bloody stump , a torn-off gobbet of flesh .
28 Hoots of triumph crashed through the shrinking kitchen like the trumpeting of elephants , saturating the air .
29 Belle Vue Cottage is very conveniently situated for all these amenities and a distinct frisson of excitement ran through the community when it became known that Hannah Hauxwell was the new owner .
30 A ripple of excitement went through the crowd as Miguel 's wife , who was small , dark , and as pretty as Mrs Juan was ugly , rolled up with Victor and Sharon Kaputnik .
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