Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb past] with the " in BNC.

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1 However , Aglen 's appointment as inspector-general coincided with the anti-Manchu revolution of 1911–12 which resulted in the breakdown of the administrative arrangements of the Chinese , and faced by these unprecedented difficulties , Aglen made arrangements for the safety and integrity of customs revenue by placing it in foreign banks in his own name .
2 Resistance to the EEC-funded search for uranium began with the anti-nuclear movement but quickly developed , in the major area being prospected , Co .
3 Over the centuries all the world 's religions have accumulated vast amounts of scriptures , as generation after generation struggled with the problems of defining an ever-growing variety of gods ; of endeavouring to explain the origins of the earth and the universe , ; of setting out independently the rights and wrongs of almost everything , ; of justifying caste systems and privilege by birth ; of seeking to instil a belief in an afterlife ; of explaining the complexities of simple and compound reincarnation , ; of building an hierarchy , sometimes with well-paid officers , ; of introducing rituals , rules and forms of worship , and combating ever growing scepticism until the whole world and all life would seem to be in existence solely for the purpose of providing space for this monstrous dumping ground for the products of centuries of speculative and ineffective effort .
4 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also slow time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
5 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also negatively impact time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
6 The next bursts of building coincided with the city 's conflict with Barbarossa , when a wide and deep ditch was dug about 300 metres outside the Maximian wall .
7 Indeed , when small shareholders in Trafalgar House dared to show an active interest in the reappointment of the auditors , the institutional shareholders ' votes were promptly thrown in to ensure that the power of decision remained with the directors .
8 It features a collaboration between Simon Patterson , who looked an intriguing new prospect at the Hayward Gallery 's ‘ Doubletake ’ , and Douglas Gordon , a sculpture of tins of housepaint relabelled with the names of members , historical and current , of Europe 's Royal Families .
9 The paper 's first two years of existence coincided with the United Tanganyika party 's campaign for African support , and it gave the party a considerable amount of publicity .
10 Those links were particularly strengthened when a major test of the management of information which bore on student 's continuity of study came with the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) in 1982 .
11 And the courts of heaven rang with the sound of warfare .
12 The speeding up of modernity began with the start of modern consumerism .
13 The re-emergence of interest in the potential of education coincided with the development of more effective teaching strategies , and the inclusion of all children within the education system , although even here Ryan and Thomas suggest :
14 It contains a piece of paper scrawled with the initials H.G. and enclosing a lock of brown hair .
15 A bit of oversell occurred with the hardback at £9.99 , but it turned out alright , and I do think this is very much a paperback title .
16 I was the son of a rich and famous man and , to McIllvanney , that accident of birth clinked with the corrupt sound of silver spoons .
17 Proposals to improve the quality of life coincided with the tenure of the National Unity Government under the initial premiership of Shimon Peres , widely regarded outside the territories as the most promising Israeli proponent of a peace settlement .
18 My understanding of what what the panel said and what the what the Secretary of State agreed was that neither the panel nor the Secretary of State disagreed with the erm the general sense of the policy but felt that that sense was er embodied and and was able to be applied through the erm provisions of other policies in the plan at that time .
19 The rise of science coincided with the spread of new values which emphasized independence of individual thought in ways that were essentially a challenge to the power of the churches , their priests and ministers .
20 It was a category , a catch-phrase , a summation ; and it also provided a mild but pleasing joke because it used ‘ government ’ to refer to its absence , and because the arabi ( ‘ people 's government ’ ) of tradition contrasted with the sha bi ( ‘ people 's government ’ ) of the present regime , seen in this context to be the opposite of what real people 's government ought to be .
21 His point of view conflicted with the spirit of the age and , despite his example , the glorious art of true fresco died out , its practice being incompatible with the new social attitude to time .
22 A reserve of justice remained with the King , and so those who could not get relief in the King 's ordinary courts might , with some hope of success , petition the King and his Council for redress , if not as a matter of right at least as a favour .
23 The confrontation was due to the ambiguity in Poland 's Constitution about whether supreme responsibility for security lay with the President or with the Cabinet .
24 They gave me money , and I put it into a jar like Granny had with the egg money .
25 Typically , the Birmingham man 's interest in writing for television coincided with the East Anglia one 's .
26 The major shift in practice came with the Housing Act , 1935 .
27 On the same day , however , Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato issued a carefully worded statement on behalf of the government which claimed that it was in " deep reflection for having caused unbearable agony and sorrow to the peoples in parts of Asia and the Pacific in fighting started with the attack on Pearl Harbour " .
28 The couple 's interest in gardening began with the desire to grow fuchsias to fill a few pots and baskets .
29 If the tenant 's death is untimely , that is to say within one year of the date of the letting , there is no reason why the potential successor should lose his home if he has in fact resided with the tenant for 12 months .
30 But this success was tempered by the fact that Colebrooke 's period in office coincided with the Company 's financial collapse .
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