Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] him for " in BNC.

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1 but it 's not television , i i it 's , it 's Doctor Who and , and Prisoner and , you know er very interesting and very easy for enthusiasts to direct a lot of their time and energy to maybe I do n't maybe there was a increased pressure to work and study which was erm self motivated rather than being externally imposed , maybe he maybe there was a fundamental lack of enthusiasm in him for what is described as the hardware of computing , the , the , the , the , the instruments , the machines maybe there was a less than comprehensive understanding of what is known as the firmware , that 's to say I mean operating systems that are built into the thing to make it work , you 've got to understand the firmware because otherwise you do n't understand what the machine will think you mean and what that will do and I would have thought that whereas superficially you can ignore the firmware , it 's all in there , it understands as you , I would have thought , grew into a er a graduate computer scientist you 've got to have some idea about that .
2 Once authority has been delegated , a superior should not expect his subordinate to refer decisions up the chain of command to him for confirmation ( or ratification ) provided that the decision is within the subordinate 's scope of delegated authority .
3 The accused maintained that he had gone to her home to ask if she had received a letter of apology from him for his earlier crime .
4 John Hill had queried Miller 's description and had published his views in Eden , or a Complete Body of Gardening ( 1759 ) and Justice retaliated in his British Gardener 's Calendar ( 1759 ) : ‘ I thought it my indispensable duty to give Mr. Miller his due , both from a love of truth and from a sense of gratitude to him for his public labours , as well as private friendship . ’
5 BISHOP JOHN CROWLEY writes of Bishop Harris : With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
6 With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
7 He appeals from the order of the North Avon Magistrates ' Family Proceedings Court on 23 December 1991 when they made a secure accommodation order in respect of him for three months .
8 It was an understood thing that Mr Joe , Sir , as he was now — and that was hard to take in — was still in shock , for he walked about like someone in a dream and would stand staring in front of him for minutes on end .
9 Whereupon I fell about in my chair at this with an effective simulacrum of sycophancy , then matadored the old charm around in front of him for a few minutes , and before you could say fundador Walt was on his knees begging me for the coup de grâce .
10 In 1988 he moved again , this time to Lotus , but he had to be content with watching the McLaren duo of Alain Prost and fellow Brazilian Ayrton Senna in front of him for most of the season .
11 He asked me to caddie for him for the rest of the year .
12 Dennis Hopper went to the meeting with Manson and sat face to face with him for two hours in a room on the eighth floor of the Hall of Justice .
13 It , it 's only part of , of the pattern , but it 's obviously er a good sign because er Iran has reason to know er what Saddam Hussein is like , having been at war with him for eight years — totally un , unpredictable man and a completely ruthless man .
14 How could she possibly do her best to forget Ross when she was now forced , for the very best of reasons , to live cheek by jowl with him for twenty-four hours a day ?
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