Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am indebted to the College librarian , Linda Warden ( who compiled the index ) and to the library staff for their unfailing help with records and pictures , to Anna John who typed the manuscript , to David Gunn for photography and to Benita Horder , librarian of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons ' Wellcome Library for historical material and illustrations .
2 P/O Atherton was a very experienced pilot , with a second pilot as navigator , so one can not accept that they could be so far off course as to reach the target thirty minutes later , especially as the fires started in the docks by the bombing raid of Blenheims of 59 Squadron could be seen from many miles away .
3 They can not advertise prices for sale to the public that do not include value-added tax , and are not allowed to submit products , quoted at base model price , to magazines for review or to customers for evaluation , if they exceed the usual specifications .
4 Watkins L.J. , at p. 82 , asked where else the Home Secretary could look for guidance as to retribution and deterrence , if not to the judges .
5 This involves , among other things , pointing to changes in the nature of racism and to issues on which both the left and conservatives have disagreed with minority communities .
6 Leapor devotes a greater part of her poetry to the description of agriculture and to questions related to the use of land than she does to domestic service .
7 For like a great many theories , it seems much more easily applicable to some kinds of text than to others ; one can see quite clearly its possible relevance to the sort of literature that the New Critics generally preferred to discuss , the lyric tradition from Shakespeare , roughly speaking , to Yeats ( Wimsatt and Brooks described their movement ( 1957 : 742 ) as ‘ neo-classic ’ ) ; but it is much less easy to see its relevance to the novel , or to much modern avant-garde writing .
8 But what is important is that there is opposition er Chairman at the national level which is set to continue and once again representations are being undertaken er to be made to local Members of Parliament and to Members of the House of Lords .
9 Out of the above ideas several factors emerge that are common both to accounts of perception and to strategies for enhancing appraisal .
10 17.5 These points are relevant both to programmes of study and to assessment , since they show that linguistic forms can not be corrected or assessed independently of their purpose .
11 Breach of term as to quality
12 The rules of Equity as to stipulations about time and other provisions which would not be held by Equity to be of the essence of the contract , are to prevail in all cases .
13 Rectification of this unbalanced approach is overdue and should be brought to the attention of management and to politicians who reorganise the health service .
14 They lend money to the government , firms and local authorities by discounting bills of exchange and to banks by purchasing certificates of deposit .
15 ‘ Everyone has the right to work , to free choice of employment , to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment . ’
16 Everyone has the right to work , to free choice of employment , to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment .
17 One external institutional support that is likely to prove increasingly influential is the European Community , which is seeking to promote a ‘ social charter ’ covering rights to proper conditions of work and to health care , social security , training .
18 The exception is , of course , in the pronouncement that shareholders have in effect surrendered their power to professional management , a pronouncement which does not so much face the central question of the rights of ownership as to try to pass it by .
19 They left her feeling completely enclosed in a warm glow of attention and to Moran 's repeated questions over the next days were able to say genuinely how much they liked her .
20 Their aim is not so much to alleviate the horrors of war as to make war so horrific that potential aggressors will fear to resort to it at all .
21 It was , of course , the purchasers business to employ a surveyor , whether a house or a boat was in question , and Pinkie would not be offering Dreadnought with any kind of guarantee as to soundness , only , after all , as to quaintness .
22 If couples learn and adopt means of spacing at adequate intervals , if breastfeeding is prolonged and if appropriate contraceptives are used during the period of lactation ( where abstinence is not practised ) , the result will not only be improved health and mortality conditions but also a concomitant spread of knowledge as to means of terminating childbearing .
23 Without systematic data comparably defined , it will be difficult indeed to advance the level of knowledge as to relationships between mothers ' health and well-being and their fertility patterns .
24 The procedural distinction between the two types of action is crucial in relation to the question of service and to execution pursuant to judgment .
25 It was always Lugard 's assumption that his reception by the emir of Kano as his ‘ honoured friend ’ owed as much to the emir 's respect for his qualities of character as to gratitude for the restoration of his own eminence .
26 The former mayor of Lisburn said : ‘ Where else in the world would those dedicated to the destruction of democracy and to terror , seen by the blood of innocent people , be allowed by the Government to abuse the electoral process in order to advance their vile cause ’ .
27 Provisions for obsolete and slow moving stock will be determined by the directors based on physical and recorded stock levels but the presence or not of a part number on an item of stock or the recording or not of the item on the stock records will not of itself be any be any form of guide as to obsolescence .
28 Banging sounds emanating from the boiler may be due to a build-up of scale or to air being drawn into the system .
29 Variations in laser Doppler readings between different measurement sites within a given patient may be due to heterogeneity of flow or to factors degrading the reproducibility of measurements .
30 Although , of course , attention is paid to the class structure of society and to relations of production in this approach , the focus of the analysis is on ‘ the relative autonomy of the state apparatus as a whole and its mediatory role as between the competing interests of the three propertied classes ’ ( Alavi 1972 ) .
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