Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] they [det] " in BNC.

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1 So I resolved to remain alive in an unofficial capacity , which of course annoys them all immensely .
2 This translates into an average eighteen pounds reduction in council tax for a band E dwelling which could be passed on to council tax payers in their ninety four , ninety five bills or of course allows them more flexibility in their general financial planning .
3 She was a woman from an age quite different from Erika 's own ; separated by a gulf , a measureless chasm of experience distancing them each from the other as surely as though they were beings from two different planets .
4 It must be an awful lot of money to make them this worried .
5 Richard 's disregard for their cherished customs of inheritance threatened them all , directly or indirectly , and provided a cause to which all could rally in defence of the right order of their world .
6 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
7 Days later , Fernandez suspended the Queens school board that refused his curriculum , and ten days after that the board of education reinstated them all .
8 That so far the outlaws had left them alone and kept out of sight troubled them all , this was so unexpected that it increased their fears rather than diminished them .
9 The existence of monopoly denies them that opportunity , and this is manifest in the inevitable reduction in total surplus .
10 A long white strip of cloth linked them all from hand a hand as they made their way down through the sleet and the open snowy fields .
11 But before he could finish a clang of metal and a shattering crash of glass caused them all to spin round .
12 Religion acts as a restraining force on human nature , and er , raises people , as it were , to a higher , to a higher level , by for example giving them more proscriptions , like the ten commandments .
13 She preened her elegant nose , turning her head slightly in order to give them all the benefit of her profile .
14 They begged him to desist , in order to give them some words of edification , and for two consecutive hours he proceeded to give them excellent exhortations , while at the same time never ceasing his writing — and all the while what he was writing was not the same as what he was speaking .
15 Our cautionary comments and suggestions are offered to ease the transitional processes of attachment and detachment in order to improve them both for the individual and the organisations involved .
16 He summed up the disseminated structure of his novels ( often in his case a necessary result of serial publication , but also probably a matter of personal preference ) , in the same work , when he compared the chapters of a novel to a convoy of vessels and himself , the inventor , as a man-of-war turning attention now to one ship , now to another , in order to bring them all safely to port .
17 Vicki is praying that the rescue ship she knows is on its way will arrive in time to save them all .
18 But the searing contact mouth to mouth set them both trembling .
19 How on earth did they all get there ?
20 What on earth do they all mean ?
21 And that 's all we had there and we were for ever getting flooded out and there we we 'd all clean our shoes before going to bed at night put 'em all underneath the sideboard or whatever .
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