Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Valdemar was extremely helpful and took the next day off work to show us some of the local birds .
2 So I resolved to remain alive in an unofficial capacity , which of course annoys them all immensely .
3 This translates into an average eighteen pounds reduction in council tax for a band E dwelling which could be passed on to council tax payers in their ninety four , ninety five bills or of course allows them more flexibility in their general financial planning .
4 Years of experience tell us that standard beds may not be right for every human body .
5 She was a woman from an age quite different from Erika 's own ; separated by a gulf , a measureless chasm of experience distancing them each from the other as surely as though they were beings from two different planets .
6 Lack of money prevents us eating properly when we are children , ruins our health , rots our teeth , makes our parents quarrel and take to drink , stops us having the clothes we want , the friends we like , the parties we long for , stops us having the tuition which would enable us to get an education — makes us end up street sweepers and not doctors ; induces women to have babies because there is no money for travel or entertainment , or to leave the parental home any other way : lack of money humiliates us all our lives : lack of money makes us live with husbands or wives we no longer love : lack of money makes us age earlier than we need : makes our hands rough with toil and our brows creased with anxiety : keeps us weeping by day and sleepless by night : the terror in our lives is the bill through the door which ca n't be paid : our lives close in the knowledge of failure — we failed to make enough money .
7 It must be an awful lot of money to make them this worried .
8 This sequence is probably going to be shot very early in the morning , and it will take great strength of mind to get it all together .
9 The first law of thermodynamics tells us that energy may be converted from one form to another without any of it being destroyed .
10 Deputy Head ( Staff ) : ‘ Exactly what we 're saying : Head of Department lays it all out , members of the department merely follow . ’
11 Our head of department put it all together and then let us read it to see if there was anything we wished to change and add and then submitted it …
12 But ‘ For A Child ’ only has a slight tempo shift , a trumpet solo and a blast of flugelhorn to give it some extra zest , and it 's simply not enough .
13 He must have been crouched behind a bank of snow watching him all the time as he came struggling and panting up the long slope .
14 Richard 's disregard for their cherished customs of inheritance threatened them all , directly or indirectly , and provided a cause to which all could rally in defence of the right order of their world .
15 So please do n't complain , Sharon — the cruel hand of fate affects us all !
16 Her scream of delight told me this was a good time to move away .
17 The cast of Jack and the Beanstalk at the Wyvern Theatre in Swindon , is risking all by working with both children AND animals , but Trevor Bannister , veteran of 20 years of panto takes it all in his stride .
18 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
19 Afterwards she 'd have a glass or two of wine to wash it all down .
20 The Fractal Geometry of Nature reminds us that mathematics can surprise us with insights into the world in which we live ; it has the most beautiful graphics 1 have ever seen in a mathematics book .
21 Oh I want a bottle of pop have you any in fridge , no ?
22 Days later , Fernandez suspended the Queens school board that refused his curriculum , and ten days after that the board of education reinstated them all .
23 On the programme , she commented that her excursions into the world of night give her some very special insights and material which she is then able to use in her novels .
24 He had been ordered not to tell anyone , not even his pregnant wife , until the letter of appointment made it all official .
25 It can take three to six months of regular vigorous aerobic exercise to build up a powerful heart and lungs ; and it can take the same period of inactivity to lose it all .
26 Somebody went to a lot of trouble to get me that .
27 That so far the outlaws had left them alone and kept out of sight troubled them all , this was so unexpected that it increased their fears rather than diminished them .
28 At this point the poet ‘ takes off ’ and in a moment of vision tells us that Man 's ‘ greatness ’ is derived from early childhood experiences — provided that we have contributed something from ourselves to the bare impressions .
29 The existence of monopoly denies them that opportunity , and this is manifest in the inevitable reduction in total surplus .
30 A long white strip of cloth linked them all from hand a hand as they made their way down through the sleet and the open snowy fields .
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