Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Young males are busy right through adolescence establishing their own home ranges and learning the pecking order among the orangs in their part of the forest .
2 These Courts held that since the Arab Organization for Industrialisation had its own legal identity separate from the four member States and enjoyed financial , procedural , and administrative autonomy , the latter could not be bound by obligations entered into on behalf of the Organisation .
3 However they confirm that farmers who had claimed for more quota than they had ewes would be given ‘ around ’ two months after the statutory instrument had passed through Parliament to secure their extra rights to ewe premium and to notify the authorities of the transfer .
4 A young , newly-arrived Guards officer asked for permission to spend his first weekend at the home of a retired service officer in Co .
5 It is easy to assume that the law about planning new developments , or changing the environment around us , only affects us when we need to take a positive step — such as applying for permission to extend our own property .
6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS : Grateful thanks are extended to Robertson Research International Limited for permission to use their Southern North Sea reflectance data in this study .
7 Two methods used by the smuggling firms are bribing local officials to allow them to dump waste in landfills and offering to build ( often low-quality ) incineration and energy-producing plants in destination countries in exchange for permission to burn their toxic waste there .
8 But to his unfortunate son and daughter ( William Armstrong and Margo Gunn ) he seems to ‘ make Shylock look like Dr. Barnardo ’ as he keeps them in penury with each request for money causing him acute physical pain .
9 Why does an unstable demand for money make it difficult to control the supply of money ?
10 The glitzy building — boasting an address on Bishopsgate , now one of the City 's favoured streets — was opened just three years ago but became an obvious target once the bank needed to put the family silver up for auction to improve its financial standing .
11 Schools , shut on April 9 after rioting rendered them unmanageable [ see p. 38135 ] , were ordered to reopen on May 6 but , in Lomé ( the capital ) at least , pupils boycotted classes .
12 Clare Wildish has come back for help feeding her second baby , 3 day old Emma .
13 Where the nuclear scientist in Seven Days to Noon is shot , and the engineer in The Sound Barrier ends the film a shattered man , the scientist in The Net is rescued from danger and goes off home to resolve his marital problems .
14 The question whether a capacity for error reflects our divine intelligence or is , as the theologians would have us believe , an invention of the flesh and the Devil is by no means a trivial issue of medieval scholasticism .
15 Valdemar was extremely helpful and took the next day off work to show us some of the local birds .
16 Held , allowing the appeal , that , notwithstanding the general principle that a trading or non-trading corporation was entitled to sue in libel to protect so much of its corporate reputation , as distinct from that of its members , as was capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , a local authority , as a corporate public authority , was not entitled at common law to sue for libel to protect its governing reputation ; that to allow it to do so would impose a substantial and unjustifiable restriction on freedom of expression , since an action for malicious falsehood , or a prosecution for criminal libel , provided the local authority with the sufficient and necessary protection it required in a democratic society ; and that , therefore , the local authority could not maintain its libel action for any words which reflected on it as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in that county ( post , pp. 41H , 48F–G , H — 49B , 56B–C , 58A–B , 59F–G , 65B–C , F ) .
17 Torts committed by the wife during marriage render her liable , but , since 1935 , impose no liability on her husband unless he has authorized or ratified them .
18 A little drop of whisky does you good .
19 However , this Proposal was originally issued in 1972 , and was re-issued in 1983 following discussions with the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee ; its lack of progress reflects its controversial nature , and its future advance is unlikely to be rapid .
20 Gave him a stiff sentence in a House of Correction to teach him better ways .
21 The second symptom of change following his long residence at Lyons is this : in later years , but never earlier , Anselm occasionally used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae , of which Hugh and Gregory VII had been the chief advocates for the last twenty years .
22 Unlike Rousettus , which can see very well and which uses unmodified relatively low-pitched sounds to do a modest amount of echolocation to supplement its good vision , the smaller bats appear to be technically highly advanced echo-machines .
23 His eyes raked from her slender tanned legs over the V-neck of her short black dress , and on up to her flushed cheeks , and the blonde strands of hair escaping her neat bun .
24 ‘ You 're beautiful , ’ he murmured huskily , burying his hands in her cascade of hair to bring her closer still .
25 It should be obvious first of all , but surprisingly to many people is n't , that each field of expertise needs its own vocabulary .
26 Acquiring this kind of expertise brings its own rewards and it is gratifying to discover that it is often easier to explain a subject to others when you have had some difficulty mastering it yourself .
27 A foal requires about one pint of colostrum to give it sufficient antibiotics to help fight neonatal infections .
28 Because educational institutions are largely staff ed by professionals , there has , in the past , been a tendency to allow individuals a lot of freedom to use their professional judgement in deciding how best to achieve the aims of the organisation .
29 Fortunately , Prince Nikolaus Esterházy was an enlightened and civilized person , who appreciated Haydn 's outstanding abilities , and allowed him a certain degree of freedom to pursue his own interests .
30 It should always be with the opposite sex only ; yet novel reading girls exhaust their female magnetism without obtaining any compensating male magnetism , which of necessity deranges their entire sexual system .
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