Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was as difficult for them to develop a public analysis of rape eight years ago as it is for them today publicly to acknowledge the extent of sexual abuse of girls and young women inside and outside the home .
2 Their napkins were kept for them in specially designed pigeon-holes to which they homed on entering , before head-ing for their tables .
3 He also remarked that Belgion was something of a mystery man , about whom very little seemed to be known — even whence he acquired his undoubtedly vast store of knowledge .
4 As I walked out of the ward and round the red screen I felt as old as Humber and as worried as she was about my not yet having been fully trained .
5 It is really impossible for someone not technically qualified , or who was not at the time encouraged to understand more than a very limited aspect of its functions , to analyse the workings of the apparatus .
6 Jackie lived at a high pitch , he was making hay while the sun shone , he was spreading himself thin with a young family and as many interests as he could cram into the year ; for someone always highly strung , always working at a high pitch of nervousness , an ulcer was the logical consequence .
7 M. and Mme. Wastiaux , whom many of you will remember from the Easter Course at Avery Hill , do much of the organising and besides looking after me very well attend all the movement classes .
8 The real mystery about his story is not why two wives refused to make love to him , but how he stopped talking about himself long enough to invite them to bed in the first place .
9 The judge told Hugh Carlisle , QC , for the MoD : ‘ I will need a lot of persuading that a bungalow is not the ideal position for somebody as severely injured as this young man . ’
10 Fifty pounds was spent on victualling the Spanish crew during their enforcedly long stay .
11 A longterm Leica man , he uses the F4 most of the time — ‘ Mainly for its very fast motordrive .
12 All contemporary accounts of Constanze 's character , except those originating from Leopold and Nannerl Mozart ( neither of whom ever really accepted her ) , together with the evidence of Mozart 's own letters to her , confirm that she made him as good a wife as he could have wished .
13 So I did , and I managed to rise a little way , but my wing hurt and the sea wind tugged at it and below me there suddenly flew some hooded crows and I was afraid and panicked , and nearly fell from the sky .
14 It 's difficult to explain , but a part of me never really believed I should see her again , even after what they told me at the theatre .
15 No , well they all said next time they 'll check , because some of them just just take it for granted .
16 When the Minister next talks to the local authorities about this issue , will he point out that many of them no longer give rehousing priority to ex-service personnel , but expect them to go through the normal homeless families procedures ?
17 So far as enterprises are concerned , their accounts are now in such a state of confusion that most of them no longer care about increases in their costs .
18 The middle reach was occupied by small craft , mostly laying up for the winter , some of them already double lashed down under weather-cloths .
19 As Scott said later , the judges ‘ were not Gothicly disposed and though they awarded premiums to all the best Gothic designs they took care not to put any of them high enough to have much chance ’ .
20 Perhaps ‘ second-joystick option ’ was the wrong phrase to use , but when joysticks were plugged into both ports , one of them most definitely DID N'T work !
21 Her sleeve of care was unravelled all right : her life was a basket of woollen shreds , all shades and textures and not one of them long enough to do anything with .
22 fix these in your mind as units you will have to work on to make each of them as nutritionally sound as possible .
23 Single adults constitute 30 per cent of total lettings , with 13,000 of the group moving into association homes each year , most of them in poorly paid jobs or unemployed , whose rents amount to about 38 per cent of net income .
24 The leadership of the organization within the Labour Party remained with Cripps , Strauss and Mellor , all of them still fully committed to the Unity Manifesto .
25 The Irish have settled into this country and there are communities of them all over do they go and see your concerts and if they do that must mean a great deal to them I should think ?
26 The G M B and other unions , but principally the G M B cos that 's one I 'm concerned about , needs to pressurize councillors and officers because councillors and officers have been bombarded with almost as much legislation as the trade unions have had from the Tory government and most of them actually just want an easy time , so you 've got to hassle them , you got to harass them what they do .
27 Unfortunately , few of them actually ever bothered to try it for themselves — they just relied on the evidence presented .
28 There are several more groups of odd echinoderms in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks — some of them only recently discovered , like the bizarre helicoplacoids , which look like nothing so much as spinning tops ( see p. 84 ) .
29 There are a number of good books on sampling , some of them now particularly aimed at the social scientist , but even the best of books can only deal with problems in fairly general terms .
30 There has been some argument about whether or not they knew what he was doing , but most of them now piously assert that they had no such knowledge and some take the view that it was an outrageous breach of confidence .
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