Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [prep] one time " in BNC.

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1 Pat Williams told me she thought they were' a load of tripe' , but it was tripe that brought people into the cinemas for more than two decades and Ken became the staple part of a diet for which at one time the public seemed to have an insatiable appetite
2 One of the most widespread language families in Siberia was that now known as Samoed , the speakers of which at one time occupied a large part of southern Siberia from the Irtysh to the Yenisei , including the Altal-Sayan mountain region .
3 This is an absolute treasure house for any editor or writer unsure of a common foreign phrase , an abbreviation , or the spelling of a tricky name — which means all of us at one time or another .
4 Confident youth may never imagine a world like this in a million Sundays , but these pictures tell it like it is for by far the majority of us at one time or other ; and I defy anyone to say that it could not be them — be they so lucky as still to be climbing when approaching 80 .
5 The main need , however , is to bring the two sides somehow together , since all of us at one time or another need help from both of them .
6 But we could n't eat all the curry it was very , both of us at one time , we could have scoffed the lot !
7 she , she used to go on about it and all this and I , I sort of fell out with her at one time , but did n't actually speak to her about it
8 Yes , well I was on a r a radio programme with him at one time and er and he was telling about some of his sticky stories , and there was one where he was doing a similar job from a farmhouse and he picked the furniture up and had to drive down this long drive to get onto the road and the the farmer , who presumably was the man who felt er an injustice to him was being done as it were , he was on his tractor , saw the van moving down the driveway , took a shortcut to the road edge , and fired a shotgun at his van . .
9 ‘ Fish Street , ’ says Esme , ‘ did have 19 fish shops in it at one time .
10 There 's nothing new that women have n't tried on me at one time or another .
11 One can make one 's assumptions about the effect of development on a particular piece of land on the basis of the best information available to one at one time .
12 However , as the table has to be moved out of the way whenever the patient gets up , it should not be too heavy , or have too many items on it at one time .
13 I mean we did a lot of things that other people probably did n't do , I always remember next door to us at one time the curate of the St Mary 's church , er , who is er , he is now Bishop of mm , gosh , he 's a up in Nottingham way , Bishop of something or other , we met him at a , at a do not so very long ago and he 's just the same , he 's marvellous and he was the curate and they were as poor as church mice and er in relation to them we were really well off you know , and er they had hardly any fires or anything and we gave them an electric fire to heat their place up and er when we met him , it was last February at a , a do of one of the research engineers from where I was work working the last job I had and er , he said I 've still got the electric fire
14 The fact is that , in an age when players were never encouraged or expected to be adaptable , the only positions that Billy did not fill for us at one time or another were those of goalkeeper , centre-forward and centre-half .
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