Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] the good " in BNC.

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1 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
2 All the same , three of them provide the best available narrative and chronology , and their reliability must be examined in some detail .
3 But you have n't to let either of them get the better of you !
4 Yet it is an objective standard which the directors themselves define , and not one that is imposed upon them by the courts , who regard it as illegitimate to substitute their own view of what constitutes the best interests of the company or the shareholders for that of the directors of the company .
5 But he will not succeed because you are not a force which Government recognise , despite your having the best transport brains and experience in the world among your members .
6 We 've got ta have a direction , and it 's not about who gets the best jobs and who gets the best power positions , it 's about dictating an agenda by the members for the members in the interests of our members , the T & g 's members and all trade unionists in this country .
7 The reply card became the basis of a mailing list for the mother when the infant was nine months , ideally the best moment in which to address the Better Shoe brand message to her .
8 The idea that people needed to be shown from where to view the lakes , hills and mountains developed into the ‘ stations ’ or points from which to see the best views to the best vantage .
9 After this interview , their success or failure depends upon their winning the good opinion of existing judges whose views are canvassed informally by civil servants in the Lord Chancellor 's office .
10 Nicholas believed that ‘ No man can so much advance his own good and happiness in anything as endeavouring all that in him lies the good and welfare of others ; and who doth that daily doth perform the greatest good to himself as he can desire or wish for . ’
11 Cardinal Pironio , from the Pontifical Council for the Laity , wrote to them to convey the good wishes of the Holy Father .
12 The golden thread approach , coupled with considerations such as that post-Darwin certain past arguments no longer hold water , together with an element of an a priori ethical stance , seems to me to provide the best concerted argument for the ordination of women .
13 In the end , it may come down to who makes the better speech at the convention — and who the delegates believe can beat the Liberals in the election , probably in September .
14 Clarke said Chelmsford would be approaching the tournament as one of the favourites , but much depended on who prepared the best , had the most luck and stayed free of injuries .
15 The Feedback tenner will go to whoever suggests the best sponsored name .
16 Consumer groups claimed full and clear labelling of food products would be preferred , which would enable customers to choose between similar products and ‘ to decide for themselves as to what constituted the best quality at a given price . ’
17 At all times Eisenhower was guided by strong views as to what constituted the best interests of the United States and its allies — even if in pursuit of those ends he felt obliged to act so vigorously against Britain and France .
18 erm He says , ‘ Just as what we think good , what we should like , has no bearing on whatever on what is , so it is for us to determine the good life .
19 And it 's no good saying , ‘ It is for us to determine the good life .
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