Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By 1907 Polish financial institutions , though cramped by legal restrictions , had become so effective that finance flowing through them allowed almost every Polish farm in Pomerania of 5 hectares or more access to some form of farm machinery on a shared or collective basis .
2 The government has also failed in its responsibility for the Health and Sa Safety Executive by restricting year after year adequate resources for them to carry out the function that they were designed for .
3 It might be better for them to prop up the Ottoman empire for a while longer , but at the same time to keep their options open by maintaining contact with the various factions amongst the Serbs .
4 With a queue of industrialized and developing countries , from Israel to Pakistan , eager to achieve the status of nuclear weapons powers , it is all too easy for them to leach out the necessary technology from ‘ peaceful ’ atomic programmes .
5 you know , below the shadow of both the next two properties , we shall , we shall , you know , just have a brick wall , and if they they just shifted the garage to one end and as far as I 'm concerned it 's an excuse for them to put up the power , that is ,
6 Grandmothers were an integral part of life and so , when the mass emigrations began , it seemed perfectly right and natural for them to take over the running of the families left behind .
7 It must be difficult for them to understand when the way that we use ‘ big ’ is so confusing .
8 And they watched from the sidelines as Mr and Mrs Grierson between them brought up the baby , Carla .
9 So they sent in four coachmen who stood with whips extended between them to hold back the mob .
10 However , Melanie has recently been bitten on the arm through diving between them to break up a fight .
11 But it sits long enough for me to point out the difference between the two species .
12 Traffic was heavy and this was no day for me to pick up a ticket .
13 I 've got a bright young thing working for me does all the bookings and the publicity , can I give you a brochure ? ’
14 ‘ And if we 're to outwit these giants , there 's nothing for it but for me to call up the Draoicht Suan .
15 Now you 've made it impossible for me to carry out an interview despite the fact I 've been extremely patient "
16 I found this sweet little man who fixed up a non-reflex 35 for me slowed down the motor wind so it would n't make a sound fixed in a timer to take a shot every thirty seconds .
17 Jahangir 's irritation was with the refereeing which , he reckoned , had hindered him throughout the tournament and yesterday he said it ‘ made it hard for me to catch up a couple of points ’ .
18 I do not consider that it would help towards the solution of your Lordships ' present problem for me to discuss further the points which arose in Morris ( including the question whether it really is an example of theft ) or in the many other cases on section 1(1) which have occupied the anxious attention of the courts and the academic writers .
19 It was too early for me to think up a brilliant reply .
20 Self-build co-operatives are typically born in one of two ways : The private enterprise approach simply involves a group of people who set up their own company through which to take out a collective loan .
21 The seventeenth-century hall and its grounds were awash with budding pirates and their parents enjoying traditional seaside activities , all of whom took home the message that the coastline needs protecting through Enterprise Neptune .
22 They questioned a lot of people , especially the women , each one of whom put on an innocent face and answered :
23 He regularly outwitted a host of cartoon criminals with colourful names and faces to match : Pruneface , Shoulders , The Rodent , Itchy , Mumbles and Flat Top all of whom put in an appearance in the film , their prosthetics and make-up masking well-known faces .
24 Appeal to labour solidarity wo n't wash either when most of the labour force is non-unionized , many of whom earn only a pittance in the secondary labour market .
25 That assessment was echoed by the other speakers in the session — Kevin Allard of Bertram Books , David Edyvean of the Gosport Bookshop and Nick Polkinhorne of the Sevenoaks Bookshop — each of whom explained how the application of new technology had enabled them successfully to transform the environment in which they worked .
26 Work on restoring the Wimpy to its former self is proceeding well , thanks to its loyal band of workers , many of whom give up a considerable amount of spare time to work on the aircraft .
27 Next thing Pa was lunging past me to switch off the machine .
28 I have here a copy of the committee which was formed that night , and also a copy of the minutes , I 'll give each Councillor one , and then they can read it at their leisure , instead of me taking up the whole meeting .
29 I can not for the life of me see why the County Council as the Statutory Authority and supposedly an independent er er body to British Coal is so resistant to a full public inquiry when only the clear er proposals of British Coal will come out .
30 Perhaps you think it 's foolish of me to want just a ‘ good morning ’ , but you have never loved a beautiful woman like yourself , as I do . ’
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