Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got more work since I 've been open about my sexuality than before .
2 For the moment , Mr Sharif is on a high , more popular after his resurrection than ever before .
3 We feel , then , that Britain is a country that offers more opportunity for its people than ever before .
4 AS DEALERS prepare for an ‘ L ’ of a rush as August fast approaches , they can expect that far more of their customers than ever before are going to be women .
5 With the high costs of staff and premises , law firms are now more sensitive to down-draughts — and the recession is blowing over more areas of their business than ever before .
6 However , this made him re-examine the foundations of his faith and as a result he became more convinced of their truth than ever .
7 Legal charges against the reconstituted union formed an even greater part of its expenses than before , though some of these were due , not to the process of charge and counter charge involving the Federation , but to test cases brought by the union on the application of the Merchant Shipping Acts .
8 And he knew he 'd be more keenly aware of her loss than ever because he would n't be able to bury himself in his work .
9 Either way it was the inspiration for the academic success that took him faster and further from the streets of his childhood than even his mother 's success in business had .
10 The consolation for him and for Britain is that he has been far better prepared for the emotional pressures of his destiny than ever his father was .
11 You indeed have more of your delight than ever the other did , it seems to me ! " )
12 You get more accidents within the fifty miles of your home than anywhere else .
13 Times may be tough but it seems we 're taking less care of our money than ever before .
14 The Prince now has a strong team behind him , which is more in tune with his activities than ever before , and better qualified .
15 Spice cake , too , was made more frequently in my kitchen than ever before .
16 I think a lot of the current concern about schools being accountable is partly because things that in fact are being done are not being seen to be done , and I think if many of the things that we already done were more obviously being seen to be done , and perhaps also thought through rather more carefully as to how they were being done , the public would feel generally erm happier about what was going on in their schools than perhaps they are at the moment .
17 The change of attitude may not have appeared so dramatic since the word ‘ philosophy ’ was more general in its meaning than today , and scientists were called ‘ philosophers ’ or ‘ natural philosophers ’ down to the end of the eighteenth century .
18 There are far more potential shareholder-customers in its region than elsewhere and there are greater potential profits from property disposals .
19 In the days that followed Harriet felt more estranged from her daughter than ever .
20 As his wife has a broad range of interests , he instinctively knows she has things to teach him , so he needs her even more at this time in his life than ever before .
21 Because God never takes advantage of our intimacy with him , we know that we are safe , more secure , and truer in his presence than anywhere else .
22 After just one month Stephen has more movement in his legs than ever before …
23 He was now more estranged from his family than ever .
24 I sounds as if your grandmother was a much more important figure in your life than perhaps anyone realised , and you needed to grieve for her .
25 That , however , is to ignore the efforts of several bishops over many years to secure some lasting settlement between a wilful king and his resentful subjects ; the lateness of their conversion to deposition — under duress or in despair — is rather to their credit than otherwise ; as for the fiercest episcopal opponents of the king , their experience gave them good grounds for believing that the church 's liberties would be better protected under another king .
26 VP leaves it still as an open possibility that some sentences have more to their meaning than just the effect their truth would have on the evidence of our senses .
27 This reaction attributed evolution to pure chance and held the opinion that complex animals could not be considered better adapted to their environments than more lowly forms : all represented degrees of specialization .
28 There is going to be much greater scope for people to continue in their careers for much longer , and greater value will be placed on their experience than ever before . ’
29 While even the richest states are anxious to attract or retain TNC investment , they are more likely to be successful in imposing conditions on their operations than less developed states .
30 It quickly becomes evident that Hoving has more on his agenda than just reportage , and like Nancy Reagan in My Turn , his primary concern is with settling old scores .
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