Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [subord] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thereafter , events had an almost predetermined ring about them as Soviet action was matched by Western reaction .
2 The delicious and time-consuming dishes and sauces they used to make may no longer be possible for them , for many reasons , so there should be no hesitation in trying to interest them in some of the tinned and packet products which may be just as good for them if fresh milk has to be added .
3 Mr Craxi , who had been unchallenged party leader for 16 years , four of them as prime minister , resigned on Thursday as judges moved to prosecute him in connection with a corruption scandal .
4 Following Schmalensee ( 1982 ) the area marked A may be written as the triangular area to which it approximates : where unc is the price-marginal cost margin , unc is sales revenue at current prices and unc is a number somewhat in excess of one because marginal cost is falling .
5 ‘ Little has been heard of her since Dead Rat , but she is believed to be in the South-Western United States .
6 Yet most modern models of language , from Saussure 's onwards , give a fuller and more coherent account of it than traditional grammar ever did , and therefore offer the possibility of describing the linguistic features of texts far more exactly than was possible with the rag-bag of grammatical and metaphorical terminology on which criticism has traditionally depended .
7 erm strike out , interim payment , order fourteen er itself , there 's always still available to them , erm that the other side of the coin is if they get their money and of course they 're going to be threatening bankruptcy for some four thousand odd Names , I mean that 's , that 's equally devastating to individuals , erm my Lord , one would be into a type of argument on balance of convenience if we were at this stage , one would be considering the bankruptcy of the names , whether they have the funds to pay , even if judgment is given against them because vast majority do n't and what would be the point of giving judgment , this order fourteen cases saying one should n't do it in those circumstances , what if the names are right , will they get the money back , will they get a cross undertaking damages and pre er , er and to what extent do now have the funds , to what extent will it actually effect their business in the light of of
8 In the first flush of youthful passion , and in the imminence of war , Leslie had vowed that he would rather have a few years with me than eternal life without me .
9 Behind the creation stood the familiar figure of Lloyd George who in the previous December had formed a coalition with himself as Prime Minister to replace the previous government of Herbert Asquith which had become discredited by criticisms of its conduct of the war .
10 These purges seem consistent with the aim ( which his opponents accuse him of ) of turning parliament into an updated version of the old central committee of the Communist Party , with himself as general secretary and Congress acting as a rubber stamp .
11 It would be wrong to treat this case as a decision on the application of section 6. which was clearly not in the court 's contemplation , but it may be permissible to comment that if an offence of this kind is to be held to be sufficiently serious to justify a substantial community service order , the scheme of the Act , with its albeit clumsy attempt to raise the public perception of the severity of community sentences , seems destined to failure .
12 Descartes ( 1596–1650 ) , French philosopher and mathematician , taught that space must be filled with something because empty space would fulfil no function , which is contrary to the perfection of Nature 's design which shows throughout the Universe that anything without purpose should not exist .
13 From Isobel Stemp 's notebook carried with her while Inter Railing with Peta Sherwood
14 Jayne 's even got her husband Phil with her as sound engineer on their latest nationwide tour , billed as The Best Of Torvill and Dean .
15 Therefore the woman , not having had the same training as a man can not possibly demand the same wage ; also not being physically as strong , she can not compete with him where heavy lifting is required .
16 And if , as so oft en , ecstasy obliterates the specificity of the landscape which simultaneously enables and absorbs it , this is not only because ecstasy is of its nature blind ; it is also because what we repudiate remains with us as partial blindness to what we embrace in its stead .
17 " Drewy " Leask , one of our local customs staff , same with us as local pilot , and very glad I was to have him on board as he was able to show us many remote anchorages and isolated harbours that I would never otherwise have dared approach .
18 If the BBC had been consistently loaded against us , and in Neil Kinnock 's favour , how come these misgivings about him as Prime Minister have shown up yet again in the result of this election ?
19 It was probably this occasion which prompted Lloyd George to write of Balfour : ‘ I confess that I underrated the passionate attachment to his country which burnt under that calm , indifferent , and apparently frigid exterior ’ ; upon which Balfour 's latest biographer has somewhat severely commented : ‘ By ‘ passionate attachment to his country , ’ Lloyd George , presumably meant Balfour 's backing for him as Prime Minister … ’
20 There is much more to them than diplomatic negotiation .
21 ‘ I want to prove there 's more to me than blonde hair and long legs . ’
22 Self-respect means more to me than mere money — ’
23 And I 've had at least three real girlfriends , so there must be more to me than bad skin , frizzy hair and a slouch .
24 We persuaded 99% of our staff to move from a pay system based on Civil Service style grading to one where overall productivity and individual performance were far more important .
25 So there was more to him than mere harshness and arrogance .
26 In 1977 the campaign was already afoot to choose the successor to him as General Secretary , with Moss Evans as the favourite .
27 It is possible for the Secretary of State to direct that a certain category of development should be referred to him if local planning authorities are minded to grant permission .
28 Tina Turner says of ex-husband Ike : ‘ I looked on him as big brother and mentor but , after our marriage , he revealed a terrible temper .
29 ‘ From the moment I first saw freestyle I knew it was the sport for me — there was so much more to it than ordinary skiing — it was beautiful and the ultimate in skiing athleticism . ’
30 But there is more to it than just recruitment of people with disabilities .
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