Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [det] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jack Lewis was a brilliant attacking wing-half whom Palace obtained for nothing more than a signing-on fee from West Bromwich Albion in the summer of 1938 .
2 As with the BROWNIES , gruagachs will happily serve their masters for nothing more than a cup of milk .
3 You have paid , Monsieur , for nothing more than a pack of lies . ’
4 RAI protests that this amounts to a colossal waste of money since it previously acquired Eurovision rights for nothing more than the duty of reciprocal access to material from Italy .
5 We all need windows in our lives , and at the moment we can ask for nothing more than the scenes flicking past the carriage until , at last , we reach open country and the long dark hours ahead we plough on towards the East and the border .
6 ‘ He will also call for nothing less than a parallel system with equal legal status under which those who can not accept women priests will be able to continue with bishops of like mind . ’
7 Now this emphasis on focusing and honing everything right down to its simplest form can sound a bit like naked capitalism , treating rock ‘ n ’ roll as nothing more than a game .
8 It was natural to see these moving pictures as nothing more than a novelty , perhaps merely a passing gimmick ; they were , after all , only shown as an additional turn on the music-hall programme .
9 Then like a fool he had spoken of Maud , and Sarah had seen him as nothing more than a philanderer .
10 But it would be foolish to dismiss it as nothing more than a gimmick .
11 They had a son called Michael and a daughter called Matilda , and the parents looked upon Matilda in particular as nothing more than a scab .
12 The professorship in question was seen by the politicians as nothing more than a means of keeping the Laird of Cringletie happy ; it was , as Gorthie put it , ‘ a very good way to answer the Laird 's own expectations till once a good occasion offer ’ .
13 In an anonymous introduction , the editor of De revolutionibus , Andreas Osiander , had implied that the earth 's motion was to be construed as nothing more than a convenient hypothesis .
14 He thought he would come to no harm both because people needed his services as a medical man and because he thought they would regard him as nothing more than a political eccentric .
15 It would be easy to dismiss her as nothing more than a minor accessory to ben Issachar 's crime against me : these women stay in the background , mind their own business over the cookpots and the infant 's cot , keep themselves out of public view .
16 It is amazing , with hindsight , to see the awakening of the theory of evolution dismissed by Gould as nothing more than a number of ‘ pleasing chats ’ ; but Gould was not a revolutionary and never claimed to be ; his en tire life and all of his works were designed to get him accepted by society and by science , not rejected by them .
17 The explosives , which were described as nothing more than an experiment , were detonated just above a dam built in January and breached last week .
18 Charlotte : Charlotte is a wealthy woman in her early forties who views aromatherapy as nothing more than an upmarket beauty treatment .
19 In fact , this emphasis has misled many students of price theory to understand the notion of the entrepreneur as nothing more than the locus of profit-maximizing decision-making within the firm .
20 It was left to Karl Marx to strip away the veil of capitalist ideology and reveal the wage system and the ‘ free labour market ’ as nothing more than the domination of one class over another .
21 They are now hailed as nothing less than the first Europeans .
22 He is after nothing less than a full-blown and not always approving commentary on Irish attitudes .
23 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
24 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
25 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
26 It is true , these same trivial errors did cause me some anxiety at first , but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage , I have refrained from giving them much thought .
27 The fundamental strength of the Libertarian Ideal consists of nothing more than the proud assertion that freedom is an end-product that people value .
28 Miss Marple is , in fact ( quiet-mannered village pussy though she was ) , an example of nothing less than the Great Detective .
29 On each level there is an enormous splash , then the biggest of them all as the falls collapse into the basin below , there to boil and fume furiously , and send a cloud of white spray floating across the countryside .
30 Developed through having had this magazine of my own since the age of six , and listening to the Top 30 every Tuesday only to run off instantly to the typewriter in order to compile my own personal Top 30 which totally conflicted with how the world really was .
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