Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 Progress in the 19th century lay in improving refining techniques , in finding new uses ( especially in catalysis and electricity ) and discovering new sources , principally in the Urals — after which for a time the Russians adopted platinum coinage .
2 Different theoretical traditions , it is sometimes claimed , belong to ‘ incommensurable paradigms ’ ( Kuhn , 1962 ) ; one can work within only one of them at a time .
3 It took all three of them to lift him out of the reeking waterlogged shelter through an opening just big enough for one of them at a time .
4 When you have some children who find it very difficult to work with others , one solution might be to work with much smaller groups , maybe even just a couple of them at a time for five minutes or so .
5 You act on one of them at a time , and then decide which , if any , is going to be most productive .
6 He received honours from Italy , Serbia , Montenegro , and the republic of San Marino , of which for a time he was consul in London .
7 She had removed the brushes , but , both at once , instead of one at a time .
8 Think of one at a time .
9 But the man at the front had n't been told this of course , naturally enough and he could n't see that so suddenly with a jolt the wardrobe left him , two steps ' worth instead of one at a time .
10 Even now Maggie remembered the making of it as a time of rare delight : when all the people of her life came together and did something for her .
11 Formula feeds without lactose are available , and your doctor may be able to prescribe one for you for a time , if your baby has had gastroenteritis and continues to have colic or diarrhoea afterwards .
12 I was n't allowed to go anywhere near them at a time when I most needed reassuring .
13 Failure to do so may result in decree being granted against you without a time to pay direction .
14 He advocates marking the stretchers off one at a time instead of squaring cross all four at once .
15 And just to make things really tough the matches are rovers with each angler sent off one at a time to pick his swim , putting the emphasis on reading the water .
16 Using space : good — only room for one at a time
17 I wo n't be in touch with you for a time and I do n't want you starting a panic . ’
18 Beds must be made , equipment sorted and ordered , and patients dealt with one at a time .
19 They should be dealt with one at a time using the subsequent text pages .
20 And closing them piecemeal , thinking they can get away with one at a time .
21 Artegall remains with her for a time and restores order :
22 Later , Baxter 's father and step-mother also came to live with him for a time .
23 Later , Baxter 's father and step-mother also came to live with him for a time .
24 John Aubrey [ q.v. ] may have lodged with him for a time .
25 But if cheating is necessary , you can commonly get away with it for a time .
26 There is a real danger in only doing the classical things — you 're OK with it for a time , but then you 're left high and dry when fashion moves on . ’
27 Bring them in one at a time and show them a series of articles such as a pot , a plate , a flask and a small stool .
28 The major bus undertakings and the UndergrounD railways ( including the Metropolitan ) were also taken over on that day , and the minor bus operators were drawn in one at a time later , but the main line railway companies ( including their suburban services ) were excluded .
29 Each morning at seven the members of the Brotherhood presented themselves at the dock-gates , and Josh called out their numbers , allowing them in one at a time to report for work .
30 Not the clankings and gratings of the Zoo which lay off in the distance to his right , now obscured by the trees over which he had flown in the night , but the call of a thousand birds whose busyness and life shook his fears off him for a time and replaced them with a sense of wonder .
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