Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj -est] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For in 1918 he just missed a scholarship to Winchester College ; and in those days the scholarship at Winchester was regarded as the crown for the cleverest boys in England .
2 When pasting your template on the piece of veneer selected for the outline — usually a dark wood — try to arrange for the thinnest parts of the design to run along the grain .
3 Streamline Graded Readers cater for the earliest levels of language learning .
4 He succeeded in winning Stansfield 's confidence and in stamping his personal authority on all areas of the new department , including Simon 's , by intercepting correspondence and seizing responsibility for the smallest details of policy .
5 In addition , the bands detected are rather broad and heterogenous especially for the smallest fragments from Mbo I or Alu I digests .
6 There are slow tempos , though an overall timing of 55 minutes is not unduly extravagant , but the predominant impression is of the symphony 's dramatic conflicts and of Sinopoli 's remarkable ear for the subtlest details of instrumental colour : Elgar 's scoring has rarely sounded more translucent and fine-spun .
7 The bass clef is used for the lowest parts of the horn 's compass which is a wide one , extending from sounding .
8 The marriage game was played for the highest stakes by kings and emperors and counts ; there is no reason to suppose it reached these proportions elsewhere in the social scale .
9 Taking money for playing still disqualified a man for the highest honours in amateur eyes , but profiting from sporting fame indirectly through directorships did not .
10 Mr Richard Warburton , director general of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents , said : ‘ If you were looking for the highest standards of safety , then you would be separating people from their vehicles in the tunnel . ’
11 The inescapable and undeniable fact , among many that can be remembered , was his insistence and overriding concern for the highest standards of art and craft work at all levels in the West Riding .
12 The management team 's concern for the highest standards of service and presentation were in full evidence on 18th December when ‘ Chapters ’ hosted its very first Christmas Lunch for employees of the publishing firm .
13 New York , they say , is the great example of the Democratic Welfare State ; a million and more on welfare , hospitals in chaos , 2,000 people murdered each year , the nation 's highest concentration of Aids sufferers , kids shooting kids in the schools , and all in return for the highest levels of tax in the United States .
14 Oddly enough , Ceauşescu was always a shrewder judge of the likely choice for the highest offices of democratic electorates than of who would come out on top of the Soviet politburo .
15 It was far enough from anywhere to be unnoticed , far enough for the loudest sounds to be muffled and lost to passers-by .
16 The rotary input gain control can be set to the optimum level so that the overload light flashes momentarily on for the loudest peaks of signal .
17 There are areas , one or two of which I will go on to elude to , which I still think are actually going to make for the greatest savings in the coming financial year and thereafter .
18 It was customary in those days for the ablest students to be given some responsibility for teaching the younger pupils .
19 But looking back , we seem to have a selective memory for the best bits of the past .
20 Most of the 1,500 crowd who came for the best objects on the last two days of the sale meanwhile , were just tourists , which made taking bids extremely difficult and fatiguing , Tajan said .
21 Having recognized that form is a reflection of the underlying energy pattern and that it interacts with it , it is possible for the best sites to be found .
22 There is great competition by businesses , especially shops and offices , for the best sites in the city centre .
23 However , if they are applied in a legalistic or academic manner it is only too easy for the best interests of air safety to be pushed back into a position of secondary importance .
24 Much of our present activity is directed towards building upon these solid foundations — the ultimate aim always being to strive for the best interests of the general public concerned .
25 It , it highlights the need for us to take a rational approach does it not , to er , the local government review , and realize that cooperation is essential between all parties concerned for the best interests of Shropshire as , as a whole , the people of Shropshire as a whole .
26 However , for the best effects of all , turn off the main room light and have a few lamps in corners to read by and so on .
27 We have 20 copies for the best replies to the following question : How many DJs does it take to change a lightbulb ?
28 Thanks again Bangor fans for the best days of my life .
29 It 's not only the chrysanthemum or dahlia enthusiasts who search for the best types of plants for the show bench .
30 Gardening : Leaves everything to be desired Fred Whitsey recommends acer trees for the best displays of foliage
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