Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] time he " in BNC.

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1 Pauline Simonescu , finding the austerities of post-war London bad for business , had moved back to Paris at about the same time he , too , had returned , from Oxford .
2 At about the same time he helped to found the Liverpool Medical Library and the Liverpool Blind Asylum .
3 At about the same time he began buying copyrights : the first book to bear his imprint was an edition of Horace 's Lyrics , published in 1653 ; the first copyright he registered with the Stationers ' Company was a translation by Sir Kenelm Digby [ q.v. ] of Albert the Great 's Treatise Adhering to God , entered 19 September 1653 .
4 About the same time he defeated the Picts in battle .
5 About the same time he purchased Maisonette , a country house and grounds in Ingatestone .
6 In 1785 he won the competition for a public building in his native county of Angus , the town and county hall in Forfar ; at about the same time he secured the patronage of Henry Dundas , first Viscount Melville [ q.v. ] , the most powerful man in Scotland , for whom he designed Melville Castle , Midlothian ( 1786–91 ) ; while his small number of English patrons included the collector Sir George Beaumont [ q.v. ] , to whose London residence he added a picture gallery ( 1790–2 ) .
7 It was one of the few times he did n't get up and down from trouble , and that put us level .
8 But at the same time he was both transmitter and receiver , so to speak .
9 He was quite at home talking about Eisenstein or Brecht , Shakespeare or Godard , but at the same time he was completely rooted in the specificity of Bengal , its history , its literature and its culture .
10 At the same time he should check that he can reach the full rudder and stick movements without undue stretching , and that cushions or other objects are not limiting the movements of the controls .
11 At the same time he tried to determine the identities of the Americans on the podium .
12 Many a reader of The Possessed will have smiled at Von Lemke 's paper cut-outs — the conductor waving his baton , the bustling railway porter , the hell-fire gesticulating preacher — and at the same time he will have wondered why the microcosmic animated toys feel so supremely right for this novel .
13 At the same time he could be penetratingly serious ; but , above all , he was poignantly lovable .
14 At the same time he tried to make an economic case for expenditure in that area : ‘ Moreover , from the trade point of view , this area was probably worth between one and one and a half million employed men to this country .
15 As an analytical philosopher Honderich is keen to explore the logic of Conservatism and to demonstrate that it has none , but at the same time he engages with the history of Conservative ideas .
16 It would give the American parent group a chance to examine his potential at close quarters and at the same time he would be able to undergo some training to prepare him for the more elevated positions he was destined to occupy in future .
17 He does note , in the letter to Zasulich , Morgan 's hope for a future society , which would abandon the obsession with private property , but at the same time he makes it clear that he rightly does not consider Morgan a socialist or a revolutionary .
18 At the same time he said he had had to select his shots wisely to get the better of Chesnokov .
19 At the same time he must go on reassuring other parties — some of whom bloody-mindedly reject negotiation — that their views will be heard .
20 At the same time he had to sound confident about the ultimate triumph of socialism , against all the evidence that it has failed .
21 Off the field he is mild-mannered and dismissive of his achievements — though his verbal attack on an English journalist at the end of the 1989–90 tour was fulminating stuff — while at the same time he is intensely proud of his humble background , is very much a man of his people .
22 At the same time he arranged for Burgess to be sent home to extricate Maclean before the net closed .
23 He was very sorry , but at the same time he could not help feeling excited by the prospect of owning a new jacket .
24 At the same time he profoundly believed that in the church Jew and Gentile were to be united in one fellowship .
25 The candidate must not be hidden in or by the crowd ; at the same time he must not appear too remote .
26 At the same time he went through all books which had appeared in England on these sciences .
27 They 'd told her , on no account was he to be allowed to cry for a feed , but that at the same time he was n't to be put to the breast unless he really wanted to .
28 At the same time he never quite made sufficient allowance for the sensibilities of his magazine readers , as interpreted by the editors of those magazines , and had to suffer the artistic indignity of seeing his manuscripts bowdlerized with irritating regularity .
29 At the same time he was equally concerned that the dancing itself should be interesting .
30 At the same time he proclaimed Urraca as Queen , giving her the status she would normally have attained if she were actually his consort .
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