Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The 47 bp fragments were purified from the wt- and mutated promoters except for the promoter with the mutation at -75 which removes the Sfa NI site ; for the latter promoter the 52 bp fragment was employed .
2 The politburo was also retained , rather than being replaced by a party presidium , although in keeping with the proposals for the latter body the politburo was now to include the leaders of the parties in the 15 republics .
3 A vastly increased supply of turf and logs was required for the many fires the occasion demanded .
4 For the same price the 164-miles West Highland line threads its way from the heart of Glasgow past Loch Lomond to the pretty fishing port of Mallaig .
5 In view of the universality and range of the interview situation it is not surprising that there has been extensive research , but for the same reasons the research is of little operational consequence .
6 For the same reason the doctor , medical attendant , or other who turned off a ventilator in this situation would be guilty of murder .
7 For the same reason the population estimates given in the species accounts are meant only to indicate the order of size .
8 It was true that those concerned with the enforcement of the law in this country were apprehensive that the abolition of the death penalty would be followed by an increase in crimes of violence ; but their predecessors had in the past opposed for the same reason the abolition of the death penalty for offences less serious than murder and their apprehensions had not in the event proved justified .
9 For the same reason the highest vocation of any created being was given to a woman , Mary , as representative of mankind in our response to God because symbolically and fundamentally , the response of sacrificial giving is associated with femaleness .
10 For the same reason the Housing Act of 1890 , a permissive Act allowing the newly formed local councils to build housing for rent , provided little relief .
11 For the same reason the coal-mining parish of Earsdon also had a more stable population .
12 Suppose for the same data the x-variable was a measure of reading ability in fifty 7-year old children , the y-variable a test of spelling ability and the z-variable the response to the same type of test given six months later .
13 For the same article the journalist evidently failed to get any juicy quotes from his present wife and despite the misleading by-line By his two wives , the material rests on the words of a named ‘ neighbour in the tiny close of council houses ’ , who incidentally provides no information on his sex life but on his lack of neighbourliness : ‘ He was not very neighbourly — he would always try to avoid speaking … ’
14 During the latter years the only minute of interest was in October 1869 when " the secretary was empowered to write to Mr Menzies and Dr. Campbell , the former from taking any papers and the latter from entering the room altogether , not being a subscriber , " In 1870 there was a complaint about the pilfering of papers and the committee have to acknowledge , with regret , that their attempts to prevent this evil have not been attended with such success as had been anticipated .
15 Yet during the same period the acreage devoted to export crops grew from only 15.5 million hectares to 17.2 million ; of the seven major export crops the production volume of only three : tea , cotton and tobacco , increased .
16 During the same period the government gave the motorist just £3.8 back in road building .
17 However , during the same period the Japanese economy has been growing at about 3% per year .
18 during the same period the results which I feel I did not achieve were …
19 Twenty years previously there had been only 83 sub-committees of standing committees in the House , but by 1976 there were 151 ; during the same period the number of sub-committees in the Senate increased from 88 to 140 .
20 During the same period the numbers of Inland Revenue staff were declining , by some 20 per cent to 68,000 in 1987 .
21 During the same period the number of places in private residential homes increased by an average of over 17 per cent a year .
22 During the same period the situation on the ground in southern Lebanon remained tense , with frequent clashes between Hezbollah guerrillas on the one hand and Israeli forces and their South Lebanon Army ( SLA ) proxy forces on the other .
23 But during the same period the futures price has fallen by just 10 per cent .
24 During the same period the number of apprentices more than trebled from 80 to 250 as the town became a specialist craft centre offering a wide variety of trades .
25 During a particular week the fisherman sells the farmer two fish at £4 per fish , and during the same week the farmer sells the fisherman eight loaves at £1 per loaf .
26 During the same month the men of Essex agreed to pay 500 marks and five palfreys for the disafforestment of Essex north of the ‘ Stanestreet ’ .
27 During the same month the Young Republicans barricaded themselves into a house in Harvey Street to resist the eviction of a family that had been on the housing list for eighteen years .
28 At about the same time the barons of Bedfordshire paid £200 ‘ for the disafforestment of that part of Bedfordshire which Henry I first afforested ’ — a definition which was to be the subject of future contention .
29 At about the same time the red blotches on her Louisa 's face also disappeared — which the doctor put down to coincidence .
30 At about the same time the French monk Abbo of Fleury was writing about the death of another English leader who had fallen at the hands of the Danes : Edmund , king of the East Angles , who had been killed in 869 .
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