Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 About the same time his second son Daniel [ q.v. ] ,
2 After a few moments her voice grew louder , and she started to shout at her mother .
3 After a few minutes her voice began to grate on Dougal 's ears .
4 A cat , with her mouth full of seagull feathers , was feebly trying to climb up , but after a few feet her claws lost purchase and she slithered back by gradual stages to the deck .
5 Her father encouraged her desire to learn navigation and other aspects of seamanship , and after a few years her proficiency was obvious to everyone who sailed with her .
6 After a few days its rightful owner came to collect it and informed her that it was in fact a ferret .
7 After a few days my condition improved , the weather changed dramatically , and I made my way across the cultivated , fertile fields of Normandy .
8 But after a few weeks my girlfriend 's dad got a phone call from the old couple we 'd painted the house for , they wanted to get in the coal shed and could n't because I 'd painted over the lock .
9 At first I was too busy to see any change in myself , but one morning after a few weeks our flight was coming to the end of a five-mile run .
10 One of the many things my parents taught me was how to entertain properly .
11 In July of the same year my dad married his girlfriend .
12 ‘ If you wear that , ’ he said curtly , ‘ you 'll destroy one of the few things your father possessed .
13 And er we , one of the few times my dad came to Foundry Lane he I got a book , I think it were called Tiger Tim and , on the back they gave a model that you cut out with scissors and pu
14 Hannah may have gone without most of the comforts that people take for granted , but at least she had emotional warmth and stability , wrapped as she was in the cocoon of a caring family — her mother , her grandparents , and for a little time her tragic father , all around her .
15 Retirement migration is an important component , but except for a few areas its contribution to population growth has been smaller than that of other age groups , not just pre-retirement moves but also those of younger working age and their families ( Warnes and Law , 1984 ) .
16 For a few minutes our hearts were in our mouths .
17 For a few moments her still-sleepy eyes refused to focus on the dramatic black handwriting .
18 Did , even with the few times my parents have gone away , I 've never held parties , I may of had a couple of mates round just to let them kip over or something , come back I 've never , ever held a party , I would n't , I respect them , well I mean I would n't respect them make , every er penny they earned in the last fifteen years gone into that house , they 've had one holiday in that time and erm , gorgeous house , no its a lovely house , full of nice stuff as well , I , I , I would n't dare have a party
19 When two bodies attempt to exist within the same sub-space their functional association needs to be checked .
20 In the latter case his learning will be less available for transfer to other situations ; he may also learn faulty language habits .
21 In the same way his legends of Eärendil and Lúthien , his central fable of Frodo and the Ring , must firstly and continually work as fiction , but also reach out towards non-fictional truths about humanity — and perhaps about salvation .
22 His Villa is fitted up in the same Style his Books are writ .
23 In 1059 Anselm of Lucca , the future Pope Alexander II , and St Peter Damian put down a riot against the Patarini , but in the same year their chief , Pope Nicholas II , restored the old archbishop to his throne .
24 Three years later Hicks was dead and in the same year his eldest son , John Phillimore Hicks also died .
25 These were followed by a wide range of commissions which display his inventive powers , including the Gothic Marischal College of 1837 , the New Market of 1840 , and in the same year his headquarters of the North of Scotland Bank , with its quadrant corner screen and richly decorated interior incorporating the Parthenon frieze .
26 Here in the Borinage , he admitted , he was ‘ often homesick for the land of pictures ’ , uniting in the same phrase his love of home and his longing to see paintings .
27 The cat , delighted that its ordeal was over , burrowed under the covers like a furry hot-water bottle , and although Mildred had only meant to sit and get warm , within a few minutes her eyelids began to droop , and before long she was fast asleep — so fast asleep that she did not hear the door opening very quietly .
28 Within a few minutes my body was one mass of bruises from head to toe .
29 Perhaps too the journey had reminded her of the dreadful certainty that within a few years her beauty would fade , and all these inflated hopes and fears had combined to produce a mood of abandon utterly foreign to her that had found its culmination in that jungle storm .
30 Captain French died in 1854 and within a few years his wife was confined to a mental home .
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