Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] ' [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Even with a budget of over £1 million , governors should realise that almost all is firmly committed from day one , particularly for the teachers ' and ancillary-staff salaries .
2 Jimmy Spriggs , senior steward for the engineers ' and electricians ' union , said : ‘ We do n't have any guarantee at all and we want urgent talks with Mr Bleck . ’
3 The concordance between the teams ' and the research diagnoses and between these and the AGECAT classification is expressed here in terms of percentage agreement , specificity , sensitivity , and the kappa ( κ ) and Yule statistics .
4 Differences between the girls ' and boys ' groups were marked chiefly by the extent to which they represented themselves as involved readers .
5 Indeed , much of the benefit of this type of comparative stylistics is that it foregrounds the discrepancies between the students ' and the original versions , thereby highlighting the peculiar characteristics of the latter .
6 The indexer has access to schedules that the searcher in general does not have available online or even in printed form ; thus there is likely to be a mismatch between the indexers ' and searchers ' perspectives .
7 Talks on a merger between the polytechnics ' and the universities ' admissions systems now seem to be in trouble , and many students will be left unsure how to go about applying to the new universities .
8 They are prepared to rate the parties ' campaigns in the style of drama critics reviewing theatrical performances , at the same time forming separate judgments about the parties ' and leaders ' ability to govern .
9 There are 15 roads , 12 of which are reserved for painting , while Nos. 1 , 2 and 3 are provided with pits and used for over-hauling the electric light equipment of the coaches ' and ‘ 46 , known as ‘ No. 1 Paint Shop Extension ’ , in which there are 15 lines .
10 The applicants sought judicial review of the governors ' and the appeal committee 's decisions .
11 Those most involved also experience most feedback and are more aware of the governors ' and the LEA 's response to the report .
12 It is the level of the government 's ongoing commitment to honour the recommendations over pay and conditions of the Nurses ' and Midwives ' Pay Review Body ( PRB ) which has so incensed the professions .
13 The harbour at Wick is fronted with Telford-designed buildings , beautifully proportioned , the little dormitory windows of the west coast herring lassies high above the larger windows of the managers ' and traders ' rooms , warehouses and storerooms below .
14 For one thing , the Club minutes are missing from 1911 to 1920 , along with most of the Artisans ' records and those of the bondholders ' and all the sub-committees !
15 They told her nothing , paperbacks and hardbacks mixed indiscriminately , a wide variety of titles and subjects and a few back editions of The Writers ' and Artists ' Yearbook .
16 Among local people who remember the young Tippett organising a performance of The Beggars ' and Robin , an opera he wrote himself , is great grandmother Mrs Madge Tansley , who lives in New Skelton .
17 If I am correct — and the statement is also seen in some measure as a form of protection of the parents ' and child 's rights in this matter — it is surely anomalous that this statement appears largely to have become a passport to special schooling .
18 The plaintiffs contended that they had thereby been deprived of the opportunity to bid for H.F. Co. but pill J. rejected their claim because while the law certainly allowed a freedom to bid for property that was neither a ‘ business asset ’ of the plaintiffs ' nor a legal right which the law would protect .
19 Now the problem with that model of proceeding is that you then end up with you can end up with the exploitation of complain procedures for a wide variety of , not all of which you want to countenance , and some of the universities ' and colleges ' experience of trying to run complaint procedures in connection with sexual harassment has been deciding when to try to cool someone down and when a complaint is someone that should be run along with .
20 Merger with the Southampton based British Seafarers was not merely a convenience , but a necessity , and Wilson , writing in his journal The Seaman exulted that " Shinwell 's patched up old derelict has run bow against the rock of the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union and ignominiously gone to the bottom " Later he gave his own version of how Shinwell had flattered the susceptible French into leaving to him the day-today business of the Glasgow branch and poisoned the minds of the members against him .
21 It was a relic from the great days of the docks , and had kept the feel of a sailors ' and a stevedores ' drinking hole , right down to the bare brick walls and flagstones .
22 In France trade associations dealt both with ‘ economic ’ and ‘ social ’ matters , although , as far as industry-wide relations with trade unions were concerned , organisation among employers remained greatly underdeveloped until well after World War I. At confederal level the central ( peak ) organisation , the CNPF , also combined the functions both of an employers ' and a trade association from the time of its establishment in 1919 , as did the Confindustria in Italy .
23 What is behind the bishops ' and archdeacons ' reluctance even to consider breaking up the boundaries seems to be a desire to maintain a mixture of middle , high and low churches and not upset the balance .
24 The miners ' welfare club put on concerts — their only social entertainment — and provides space for a mothers ' and toddlers ' group where there is no nursery .
25 It is now suggested that it is much more appropriate to see child abuse as a result of multiple interacting factors , including the parents ' and children 's psychological traits , the family 's place in the larger social and economic structure , and the balance of external supports and stresses , both interpersonal and material .
26 After Imran Khan was ruled our of the tour because of his shoulder injury , Miandad was the obvious choice , and a popular one too from the players ' and selectors ' points of view .
27 Doctors ' desires to advance specialisms that they find intellectually exciting , university lecturers pursuing research at the expense of their teaching commitments , engineers wishing to develop technologically advanced products such as Concorde , are just a few examples of the kind of professional aspirations that lead to the misallocation of resources from the clients ' or taxpayers ' point of view .
28 And I reach out personally from the patients ' and the public 's point of view , to the people out there , that sit in their ivory towers in the homes , and say , they can not do this to our hospitals .
29 Technical quality and the use of the right exposure coupled with careful composition were all considered in the beginners ' and intermediate sections of the colour slides .
30 Now that the Commission has turned down the unanimous decision of the Catering Sub-Committee to invite the London food commission to give advice on how healthy and nutritious the food in the Members ' and Strangers ' Cafeterias is , what will the Leader of the House do to improve the situation ?
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