Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] years [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time unemployment has risen to new levels for the post-war years and continues to remain high .
2 By and large , the first three factors can be discounted for the inter-war years and it is clear that the most important factor was the decline in birth rate .
3 During the tumultuous years that followed , Nottinghamshire was to play a major role in the bitter conflict .
4 The child learns this during the pre-school years and will also start to eat for comfort .
5 The research also found that children who tended to withdraw following the sibling 's birth were likely to be hostile during the ensuing years and their relationship was often conflictual .
6 There are so many compensations for everyone in the family during the teenage years that it is a grave mistake to look on the black side .
7 The Ras of Tigre , who had greatly facilitated Napier 's advance on Magdala , was suitably rewarded with firearms and cannon , with which during the troubled years that followed Theodore 's death he was able to overcome his rivals .
8 But it should be remembered that such hesitation was an endemic feature of British politics during the inter-war years and was even exhibited in the 1930s when fascism , that other major problem of the age , threatened to consume Britain and Europe .
9 With the spread of home ownership , a process that began in earnest during the inter-war years and has accelerated since the 1960s , the passing on of the family home will become an increasingly important aspect of defining who owns what , and confirming the advantages enjoyed by some groups of the population .
10 Stopes 's fundamental conception of the role of the clinics led to a heated political debate during the inter-war years as the issue was fought within political parties and in parliament .
11 Boyd Orr 's malnourished population was drawn almost entirely from this section of the working class and it was their lives which changed little during the inter-war years as Carl Chinn , and other writers have noted .
12 Thereafter , there is a steady decline of interest in science and this disillusionment extends right through the secondary-school years and into the undergraduate period .
13 An alternative system , introduced in some areas in the late 1960s , is the three-tier system , of lower ( or first ) , middle and upper schools , based on the idea that the age of 8 , 9 or even 10 was a more appropriate time for children to make the transition between the informal teaching of the early years and the more formal subject teaching offered later .
14 Next time , you , your daughter , your grand-daughter or just a neighbour is pregnant , you could think of the thirty-odd years that the NCT has spent safeguarding the interests of parents and babies , and you could get out your cheque book .
15 The Platform began by acknowledging the damage that had been done to national relations by the repression of the Stalinist years and by later attempts to accelerate convergence on the basis of an allegedly full and final resolution of the national question .
16 The social investigations of the inter-war years and the literature of concern about unemployment and other social problems prepared the ground for wartime legislation .
17 build upon achievements of the previous years and consolidate any successful ‘ pilot ’ work from previous year .
18 To that extent , the EC does not seem to have accepted the ramifications of the post-communist years and has not decided whether it wants to consolidate itself as a rich man 's club at the western end of the continent of Europe , to which the east Europeans can apply for associate membership , or to widen its institutions , starting with freer trade .
19 Section 4(1) provides in relation to rate support grant : ‘ Anything done by the Secretary of State before the passing of this Act for the purposes of the relevant provisions in relation to any of the initial years or intermediate years shall be deemed to have been done in compliance with those provisions . ’
20 But some underlying patterning remains , despite the intervening years and the subtle shifts in values and beliefs .
21 An obvious physiological difference between the sexes is that female hormonal concentrations fluctuate throughout the reproductive years whereas male concentrations are relatively constant , declining gradually with age .
22 But decline does not mean " cessation " , immediately or even after a very long time ; although erection will occur gradually less often , ejaculation will take longer to achieve with the passing years and the frequency of sexual intercourse tends slowly to decrease , there need not be any enormous difference sexually between a man of 20 and one of 70 .
23 Another enthusiast — sometimes rather more controversial in his opinions — is David Shipman , whose two volumes on The Great Movie Stars , divided into The Golden Years and The International Years , are also now out in paperback from Macdonald .
24 Prussia became aware that it had lost parity with its allies from the Napoleonic years and determined to catch up by creating a series of technical schools — later to include Danzig 's Technical High School for boys and the famous Conradinum — and by beginning to investigate and research industrial techniques .
25 Footballers sometimes appeared on a music-hall bill in the late Victorian and Edwardian years but it was not until the inter-war years that top players became ‘ stars ’ .
26 All other methods involve what is known as accelerated depreciation because the depreciation is greater in the early years than the later years .
27 Daguerre prevailed in the early years but the future belonged to positive/negative photography and to Talbot .
28 I note that the report to which the hon. Gentleman refers says : ’ Labour , if elected , would have little scope for increased spending in the early years unless it were willing to increase taxes by more than it has indicated . ’
29 It may be that if there is an overseas trust with X in the United Kingdom having a life interest therein and with the trust fund comprising UK source bank deposits ( for instance ) that the preceding year basis will apply ( with regard to the assessments made on X ) although if further monies are put into the trust ( and these are similarly put on deposit with the UK bank ) the income arising from the additional monies will be assessed on an actual basis in the early years as comprising income arising from a fresh addition to the source within TA 1988 , s66(3) .
30 The financial plan showed the investment impact on sales , profit and return on investment per year over the next ten years , while the financing plan described how the investment was to be financed : namely , from borrowings in the early years until the plan became self-financing from funds accrued from current operations , in year four .
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