Example sentences of "[prep] [art] great [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is in fact the first of the great many spas you meet with in the Pyrenees , when coming from the Atlantic coast , good , so one aged guidebook has it , for ‘ nervous people , the neurasthenic , the scrofulous , the lymphatic , the dyspeptic , the rheumatic , the enfeebled , the asthmatic …
2 A beautiful wilderness area of mountains , rivers and marshes , it is the home of a great many birds and the most southerly station for some of the real Arctic species .
3 I say minimal both because it is rather modest , in contrast say to Jakobson 's , and because it seems to present a demand that it should be very difficult for modern literary studies to deny : that in describing the language of literary texts a degree of rigour is required such as has been notably absent from the work of a great many critics .
4 I used to do the Countess 's hair , and she was pleased with me ; in those days it was a matter of a great many curls , and diamond clasps and the like , on ladies ’ heads .
5 Recently , experimental work has investigated the use of the programmed technique in what is now called computer-assisted learning , where the programmes are fed into the computer ; the machine can then , if the initial preparation has been thorough enough , monitor the responses of a great many students at a time , switching them to the appropriate branching sequence as their responses demonstrate the need .
6 This may be true — it is already true of a great many regulations with which companies must comply — but it may also reflect the fundamental nature of financial regulation .
7 The captive chimpanzee would have no difficulty with mating if its mating behaviour — like that of a great many mammals — were simply triggered by the sense of smell and by hormonal or pheromonal stimulation .
8 But where a parish was mostly in the hands of a small peasantry , and this was true of a great many parishes in Midland and eastern England , the effect would have been entirely different .
9 In 1835 de Tocqueville admired ‘ the extreme skill with which the inhabitants of the United States succeed in proposing a common object for the exertions of a great many men and inducing them voluntarily to pursue it . ’
10 Like a great many others in Tollemarche , he had made it his goal and his God .
11 For like a great many theories , it seems much more easily applicable to some kinds of text than to others ; one can see quite clearly its possible relevance to the sort of literature that the New Critics generally preferred to discuss , the lyric tradition from Shakespeare , roughly speaking , to Yeats ( Wimsatt and Brooks described their movement ( 1957 : 742 ) as ‘ neo-classic ’ ) ; but it is much less easy to see its relevance to the novel , or to much modern avant-garde writing .
12 Without explaining to where they were going she walked regally from the room swinging her brief-case which , unlike a great many brief-cases on the streets of Berlin , was filled with notes and papers and not stolen goods .
13 Whereas sport occupies a somewhat peripheral place in the spectrum of career possibilities for most members of society , it occupies a central berth for a great many blacks .
14 This is a very lethal condition and has been responsible for a great many accidents and much loss of life .
15 I have not yet beckoned to her so that she will come running to me , so that I shall lie with her today and tonight and tomorrow , and for a great many tomorrows .
16 For a great many others , however , particularly those who made up the largely illiterate and religiously unsophisticated rural masses , it brought insufficient comfort and left them feeling powerless in the face of disaster .
17 For a great many women artists , Surrealism gave them an invaluable springboard into their own imaginations , but it did not provide an environment in which they could flourish .
18 There has for a great many years been a link of friendship between the people of lslay , particularly of the Rinns , and Ballycastle in the north of Ireland .
19 Which is a bit different and I 'd like to see it , that 's just one of my things , but again when you 're in , going into retirement I think you 've got to think about this , I mean I went , nobody twisted my arm , I went into that situation and I 've enjoyed it for a great many years , but now I 'm thinking I 'd , before I , it 's too late I want to have a , a l a fling in autumn as it were .
20 Starting from the classical theories of elasticity such questions as the prediction of elastic moduli from the inter-atomic forces and the part played by crystal structure and crystal defects have been the subject of research for a great many years .
21 If a thorough search was made of the ale-house and its out-buildings he would go to prison for a great many years .
22 The hillside had been quarried for a great many years .
23 And the conservative group is running the council in the sense that labour has scrambled , obviously over the last few days , to reduce its tax level to something closer to the tories and I 'm going to stand with my fellow liberal democrats tonight and vote for a higher figure because , not only because I think that there 's sort of things we want to do in our budget , are b are b are better and and would be better done than not done , but because I think there 's a fundamental political ethical issue here and it 's one which has been confronting this country for a great many years and which is going to be crucial in the next election .
24 As a great many parishes had invested in new pulpits and lecterns during the fifteenth century , few were erected during Elizabeth 's reign , but following the issuing in 1604 of new ecclesiastical canons which ordered that ‘ a comely and decent pulpit ’ should be kept in every church , the reign of James I saw a notable upsurge in pulpit-building .
25 At the back there is a long , formal garden , stretching away past ponds and flower beds to an ample pergola , and on the other three sides park land , with a great many hydrangeas .
26 I have shaken hands with a great many friends , but there are some things I want to know which no-one seems able to explain .
27 As for printers the most common requirement is to print a table with a great many columns and this is easier using a wide carriage printer .
28 He was well aware of the anthropomorphism and indeed found it satisfying ; it was as though , in the Britches , thigh-deep in lashing nettle and octopus strands of clutching bramble he was coming to grips at last with a great many things and , as often as not , getting the upper hand .
29 The conflicts of Horus and Seth formed an epic struggle with a great many episodes , during the course of which neither god escaped injury , but Horus achieved the final victory in this triumph of good over evil .
30 Why , Mamma , I could astonish you with a great many words you never heard in your life .
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